do i have rights as my husband has became disabled earlier this year and can no longer work as he has welders lung or (lung cancer) we have been sending what we can for rent . we are waiting for medicare to kick in and so we are waiting for that and we have been living on his unemployment.can he kick us out for non payment although we have been making what we can?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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I looked at your profile and saw that you live in Idaho. Idaho laws provide almost no protection for renters regardless of the situation. You can be evicted by your landlord, but he has to take the matter to court and the decision is up to the judge. Since there is no law that prevents eviction when someone is disabled, the judge would likely rule in favor of the landlord. Because evictions involve getting a lawyer and going to court, a landlord has an incentive to work with you to make payments instead of eviction. Your best bet is probably to contact your landlord, explain the situation, and agree on some sort of payment schedule.
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