Friday, October 28, 2011

Anyone know of a good lung cancer message

Anyone know of a good lung cancer message?
my grandpa died of lung cancer and i want to make some lung cancer awareness wristbands, you know like the Livestrong bands? and i want to know what is a good little message or something to put on them
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
If you really want to spread awareness about lung cancer, this message would be good: Stop Smoking, Love Your Lungs! Hope this helps!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

What are the symptoms of Lung Cancer

What are the symptoms of Lung Cancer?
Hello, my dad had a cold/flu (not swine flu) for a week and a half. I'm probably sure that his cold is gone (maybe not) but he keeps on coughing like every last 5 seconds... (Dad's a smoker). Is there a probabality that he got Lung Cancer? I'm really worried.. My dad smokes like 4 or 5 cigars a day.. not the whole pack though...
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
One symptom is the finger tips bulging over the tops of the fingernails. Get him to go to a raw food diet for 6 weeks. Let him still smoke! Just switch to raw food only.
2 :
Primary care physicians probably see hundreds of patients with a coughs for each person they find with one of the types of lung carcinoma. You cannot go by the symtoms - cough, coughing up blood, ect. - since they are non-specific. His doctor - who knows the entire medical history and can examine you dad - will decide if a chest x-ray is indicated. We don't even know his age. Only 3% of lung cancers occur in people under 45 years of age. 4-5 cigars each day is not as risky for lung cancers as chronic cigarette smoking.
3 :
that's not too much... i don't want to make assumptions... for your benefit... please let him see a doctor... for assurance... in my opinion... he just have cough... dry cough... (= try making him stop smoking... that would be nice... (=

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How long does a person usally live when there in stage 4 of lung cancer

How long does a person usally live when there in stage 4 of lung cancer?

Cancer - 13 Answers
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1 :
possibly a few months at most
2 :
Impossible to determine. Doctors have given some people up for death years ago, and some are still alive today without any treatment. It is in God's hands.
3 :
iam working on the antidote as we speak.. i know i can do it, i will not fail, this is my duty. this is where i belong.
4 :
unfortunatley not very long but it depends on the patient It's usually fatal at this stage due to Metasisis to the lymph nodes and other organs Still always hope though I'll say a prayer for whoever is involved
5 : Try that website. It varies from person to person and it all depends on many different factors.
6 :
That's a question that only the doctor can answer. Stage 4 doesn't always mean a death sentence. It depends upon the type of lung cancer and the type of treatment the patient is receiving.
7 :
6 months - 5 years.
8 :
Anywhere from as low as 3 months to the least likely 2 years. Depends of areas of METS and whether the approach is aggressive or conservative.
9 :
My friend was in stage 4, She was diagnosed on the 3rd of Aug. and she died the 23th of Oct. My friend was told 3 - 6 months. Her cancer was very agressive. The cancer spread to other areas of her body and she ultimately died from brain cancer before the lung cancer got to her.
10 :
wow sorry to hear that :( I've said a prayer for you.
11 :
depends how aggressive is and what symptoms they have.. It kinda like how long is a piece of string??
12 :
My dad was diagnosed at stage 4 lung cancer and he was with us for just 8 weeks :( but everyone is different and i hear of ppl with same situation living for 6-12 months
13 :
Without treatment, likely a few months, depending on many factors. With treatment, median (not average) survival is 7.9 months; 1/3 of patients alive at one year; 1 out of 10 alive at 2 years.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Possibility of lung cancer from secondhand smoke

Possibility of lung cancer from secondhand smoke?
I just really noticed all the smoking around me a few days ago while I was at an airport. I live in Bogota,Colombia and people here like to smoke a lot. I was wondering if I inhale secondhand smoke on a common basis if there is a possibility of me getting lung cancer
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Many people will say that you will. But I am a survivor of living around cigarette smoke all of my childhood, and my mother did also, as did my children......none of us has lung cancer YET. I do remember when I was little that my dad's cigarette bothered me when the burn-tip smoke got into my eyes and nose. You have to see if the smoke bothers you. If it does, that could be a warning for you.
2 :
Passive smoking is seconhand smoking. inhaling smoke from "secondhand" is almost as bad as smoking itself. If you are in a smoke filled room for 1 hour with smokers, it is equal to smoking 10 cigarettes. there are many types of cancers that can come from secondhand smoke. Out of all of the lung cancer deaths reported, nearly 40% of them were from smoking and secondhand smoke. Smoking the cigarette you are getting the filtered smoke, but secondhand smoke you are getting the "sidestream" and "mainstream" smoke. this means you are breathing in what the smoker is exhaling out, and what is burning off the cigarette
3 :
------------- The Largest study on Second Hand Smoke ever done by Enstrom “No significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.” “Enstrom has defended the accuracy of his study against what he terms ‘illegitimate criticism by those who have attempted to suppress and discredit it.’". (Wikipedia) ------ Court rules that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is NOT a Class A carcinogen William Osteen (US District Judge) ruling against the EPA *The ruling shows by scientific definition that ETS is not a Class A carcinogen “There is evidence in the record supporting the accusation that EPA ‘cherry picked’ its data” … “EPA's excluding nearly half of the available studies directly conflicts with EPA's purported purpose for analyzing the epidemiological studies and conflicts with EPA's Risk Assessment Guidelines” (p. 72) -------- OSHA will NOT regulate something that’s NOT hazardous “OSHA has no regulation that addresses tobacco smoke as a whole, 29 CFR 1910.1000 Air contaminants, limits employee exposure to several of the main chemical components found in tobacco smoke. In normal situations, exposures would not exceed these permissible exposure limits (PELs), and, as a matter of prosecutorial discretion, OSHA will not apply the General Duty Clause to ETS.” CDC Study shows cigarette smoke is 25,000 times safer than OSHA air regulations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Senate discusses health official’s inability to represent any REAL science Study about health & Smoking Bans – The National Bureau of Economic Research “Workplace bans are not associated with statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions for myocardial infarction or other diseases.” “Conclusions: Our results indicate no association between childhood exposure to ETS(environmental tobacco smoke) and lung cancer risk.” In response to Red Angel and supposed 600,000 deaths: That report is one of a kind, first it didn't use any REAL PEOPLE, REAL HOSPITAL RECORDS, or ANYTHING BUT A CALCULATOR. It was released by Bloom-berg Philanthropies an ANTI-SMOKING campaign in NY. It's an overstated estimate applied to world population. Read the report yourself. "We estimated the burden of disease from second-hand smoke by the comparative risk assessment method...of people exposed to the pollutant of interest and the relative risk of disease related to the exposure" Then they continue to use the CDC, US Surgeon Generals far fetched Relative Risk factors which aren't significant to begin with and have been cherry picked to come up with that stupid idea that 600,000 people are dead due to smoke exposure. As Dr. Whelan stated in 2006, “The latest Surgeon General's Report on the health consequences of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) -- and a publication from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that accompanies it -- need their own warning label: "Contains mix of facts, speculation, and downright hyperbole."”.
4 :
Yes. Study: 600,000 People Die Worldwide From Secondhand Smoke Every Year >>>\
5 :
Yes. You can. It is a sad situation that happens to many people. Including Christopher reed's wife, who hasn't smoked a day in her life.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If stage 4 lung cancer spreads to the bones, how long will a person live

If stage 4 lung cancer spreads to the bones, how long will a person live?
How many months or years do I have left?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Did you talk to your doctor about this? Are you on radiation/chemo? You could go tomorrow or 5 yrs from now. It depends on how aggressive the cancer is. there is no real answer for you. Sorry.
2 :
There are new drugs for Stage 4 Cancers which have been proven very effective in slowing the spread. No one can give you a definite "time frame"
3 :
As a Registered Nurse, it would be unethical for me to lie to you, or to give you false hope. Over 95% of all lung cancer patients die within 5 years of the date of the diagnosis. This is because it is usually diagnosed at advanced stages. The other reason is that all of your blood passes through the lungs to be oxygenated, the heart sends the oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body and some of the cancer cells travel along and implant themselves in other body organs and/or tissues such as bone marrow forming new malignant growths {this is a process known as metastases}. You'll have to discuss your particular case with your attending Oncologist. If you are not satisfied with the treatment you are receiving get a second medical opinion. Seek support in peer group meetings.Talk to your priest/minister/rabbi/shaman or the leader or whatever your religious faith is. Hope my advice has been of help.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Feeling really paranoid. What are the chances of having lung cancer at 19

Feeling really paranoid. What are the chances of having lung cancer at 19?
I am 19 and have been smoking about half a pack a day for the past year. Don't know why, but I have been feeling extremely paranoid. I had a chest x ray done last tuesday and the doctor said my lungs were clear...could they have missed it??
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
Quit smoking, you are lung cancer waiting to happen. You probably don't have it this time but next time yo may not be so lucky. Lung Cancer is a horrible way to die.
2 :
If the xray is clear you should be fine. It is unlikely you would have cancer, but you shouldn't be smoking.
3 :
The chance for you to get lung cancer at the age 19 is rare. It is just anxiety about your health. My husband has the same anxiety about his health. I also smoke a pack and a half for about 2 years now and I am fine. My mom has been smoking since she was like 15 and she is almost 50 now still smoking and she is healthy. If they have already done chest xrays I am pretty sure they would have seen something if there was anything. If you still aren't sure go back and get another one done so that way you can feel better.
4 :
Smoking is injurious to Ur health. If U stop smoking instantaneously, the chances of acquiring lung cancer shall get minimized. Good luck.
5 :
I was literally just informed about an hour ago that my grandmother will not live to see the rest of this week. She is dying of lung cancer that has now spread throughout her entire body. She was a smoker. You should quit. Do it for your dear life and your loved ones.
6 :
Pretty close to zero at 19. Maybe 20% lifetime if you keep it up.
7 :
NO..they can't "Miss" it. Your lungs take a LONG Time to develop Lung Cancer. Stop smoking if you are so paranoid! My Husband's Aunt is 75 years old, and she smokes 3 Packs A DAY....and her lungs are blacker than the night! She had brain cancer once and the doctors said her lungs looked worse than her BRAIN. SHE Has been smoking since she was a teenager. Stop now, and you won't have that problem or worry.
8 :
The chance is zip, it takes a *lot* longer than that for smoking to cause cancer. Check back when you're in your 50's.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can I get lung cancer by smoking Doritos

Can I get lung cancer by smoking Doritos?
I was bore and always wanted to try smoking doritos.Now I'm worry about getting cancer.I crush the nacho cheese Doritos and wrap it in a paper and it tasted like shit!
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Doritos do not contain Carcinogens which cause cancer so it is impossible for you to get cancer from smoking doritos.
2 :
Well I dont know if it would cause cancer but i really dont recommend doing it. Any type of smoke inhaled into your lungs can eventually give you lung problems.
3 :
Why would you do that?
4 :
i hope u got a buzz & no sore throat. don't worry re: cancer. lol
5 :
Probably but we won't know for about 25 years.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can anyone show me a person who has gotten lung cancer only from marijuana

Can anyone show me a person who has gotten lung cancer only from marijuana?
best answerer: many people have been outspoken on the dangers of Cocaine and been very transparent about their use. yet where are all the users of marijuana coming out and saying its bad for you? there aren't any. its all government and commercials. Islam: then show me the correlation.
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
Doesn't exist.
2 :
Like alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, "trying" to make marijuana illegal has failed completely in the US ! Legal or not, MANY people are using it. The only people benefiting are criminals, artificially raising prices, and making for an unsafe situation as criminals become wealthier and more empowered. Also, our prisons are full of people who have committed marginal offenses (such as possession of MJ) because "Conservatives" believe they can legislate morality. Alcohol causes many more deaths per year than MJ; if MJ is illegal, alcohol should also be illegal (you can't have it both ways, Cons !) Legalizing and TAXING MJ, just like alcohol, would give much-needed revenue to governments who are in dire need of funds, put many criminals out of business, and free our prison and court systems for serious criminals. If you agree, WRITE YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. If you don't know who they are, use and enter your ZIP. Also, if you agree, do NOT vote Republican.
3 :
Not likely, because people usually smoke cigarettes before moving on to other things. The true gateway drug according to research is cigarettes not marijuana.
4 :
Even so, it's advisable to smoke weed from a vaporizor to minimize damage, especially if you already smoke cigarettes.
5 :
It MAY have happened at some point but alcohol and tobacco are far worse than any amount of marijuana. We would be far better to just legalize it and move on...
6 :
That's not the way it works. Nobody can show you someone who contracted lung cancer and positively attribute it to cigarettes, either. All we can do is show a correlation between smoking and increased incidence of lung cancer. That being said, you can't POSSIBLY believe smoking anything is either good for you or even a neutral, can you? The human lung was not meant to inhale burning gasses, especially when some of those gasses have been shown to be carcinogenic. Before you call me a fascist, know that I have been known to smoke a bowl or two in my time, but come on...spreading pro-weed propaganda is every bit as detrimental to finding the truth as is spreading anti-weed propaganda.
7 :
it neva happened.
8 :
9 :
You can get lung cancer from anything.
10 :
studies so far show no correlation. Whats troubling though, is that marijuana smoke contains the same chemicals linked to lung cancer in tobacco smoke, as well as independent from tobacco. That combined with the fact that the studies i have seen on it limit the age to those under 60, I would say that its only because most people dont smoke enough marijuana to get cancer from it. I support marijuana, but I am quite against smoking it. Vaping is better, though the chemicals are still there, but at significantly lower levels. Cooking in food is far better, or making tinctures and extracts.

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