Sunday, October 28, 2012

What is the risk of dying of lung cancer

What is the risk of dying of lung cancer?
Shes a smoker and shes 42 almost 43.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
this question doesn't make too much sense... im gunna have to go with dying.
2 :
A lifelong non-smoker has less than half of one percent chance of dieing of lung cancer by the age of 75. A smoker who quits smoking by age 40 has a 6% chance of dieing of lung cancer by age 75. If the smoker keeps smoking until they die or reach age 75, then they have a 16% cumulative risk of dieing of lung cancer. These risks are amazingly big, when one remembers that for the smoker to get lung cancer they also have to survive and not be killed by one of the other common illnesses caused by smoking (e.g. COPD, heart-attack etc).
3 :
There are many factors involved in this determination. If she took birth control pills, her chances are far greater. If she has smoked for a long time, her chances are greater. How much does she smoke, that is important to know. Women have a much greater chance of getting lung cancer if they smoke. If she does get lung cancer and then opts to get chemotherapy, her chances of dying sooner are greater. We know that chemotherapy does NOT cure lung cancer. In actuality, people do not die of cancer, but complications like kidney failure, etc. not the cancer itself. A study done on the Impact of cytotoxic chemotherapy on 5-year survival in American Adults showed that only 2% survived if given chemotherapy. good luck to you
4 :
One Canadian study from the 1990's suggested that the risk for a woman who continues to smoke for many decades is approximately one chance in nine of developing a lung carcinoma. But that also suggests eight chances out of nine that she will not develop lung cancer. The risk for a non smoker was found to be one in 77. Most people who develop lung cancers die from them.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

how likely would i be to get lung cancer from smoking at 23

how likely would i be to get lung cancer from smoking at 23?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Not likely,unless it shown up with family members.If you do smoke trouble will be slow but decisive
2 :
Very unlikely. Young for lung cancer is someone under 45 and when someone young gets lung cancer smoking has nothing to do with it.
3 :
You don't give any more information such as how long you have smoked for or how much you do smoke so it's hard to answer your question. The likelihood of getting lung cancer at 23 is small, however, NOT impossible & the longer you continue to smoke that chance increases. If you stop smoking after smoking for 10 yrs then in another 10 yrs your lungs will be near to the lungs of a non-smoker. This is not to say that you won't experience other health problems later on in life such as COPD. Basically, the longer you smoke & the more you smoke will all increase your chance of getting lung cancer. Not all smokers will get cancer but the risk is considerably greater than that of a non-smoker. Hope this helps.
4 :
Why do you smoke at such an age when you already realize that it can get you in big trouble sooner or later. You have the wisdom to sense the danger and the intelligent approach would be to try and give it up as soon as possible. It is easier now than at a later date by which time, your addiction to smoking would not permit you to stop smoking even if you wanted to. You are a smart guy and so make the wise and right choice by giving up smoking totally. I wish you all success in this effort and may you lead a long and healthy life.
5 :
Almost 0. Lung cancer is virtually unheard of in people under 30, and extremely rare until at least 40s.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Using Liberal logic for health care reform, does this mean if I have lung cancer, everyone should also have a

Using Liberal logic for health care reform, does this mean if I have lung cancer, everyone should also have a?
lung removed? Changing 100% of a system for around 10 - 15% is stupid but so would be healthy people cutting out their lungs. Quirk, save the apple/orange arguments.
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
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1 :
That's not "liberal logic." That's came from your own mind. You see, no matter how partisan a person may be, such a proposition would be utter nonsense. Hopefully, you realize that.
2 :
On the tragic day of 9/11, only 0.00001% of the US population was killed in the attacks. So by your percentage-centric Conservative logic, we shouldn't have lifted a finger over that issue.
3 :
No one gets the lung removed. It's about equality. Everyone equally miserable.
4 :
From your logic I take it you are not immunised?

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Does this sound like it could be lung cancer

Does this sound like it could be lung cancer?
Two summers ago I smoked approx. 25 cigarettes and was fine afterwards. Last week I had two more cigarettes (1 roll-up and one pre rolled) and have been feeling slightly breathless and have been coughing a bit more than usual. I am 18 years old and my parents smoked up until I was 6. My mother also smoked during pregnancy.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
The fact that your mother smoked during pregnancy explains how you would think this.
2 :
lol....NO. It's not cancer. 18 years old do not get lung cancer... and if by some strange reason they did, its not from smoking 26 ciggerets lmao.
3 :
If you keep this up, you will end of getting cancer, but I do not think that it is cancer, I think that it is your lungs getting affected by all the smoke that you inhale. But after a while you will get worse and worse! Just try to quit your habit and your lungs will heal on their own. i am no doctor, but this is a strong opinion. And this is what I think is true.
4 :
Lung cancer? No. A reason to not smoke? Yes. It takes a lot more than 27 cigarettes to get lung cancer, but since your parents smoked and (sadly) your mom did during pregnancy you might have a predisposition to lung cancer. As little as you smoke, your body is still going through the trouble to tell you it doesn't like it. If you smoke more -- which you shouldn't -- your body will get used to it. Then you'll get cancer or heart disease or something else. Signs of lung cancer include a cough that won't go away, coughing up blood, chest pain and other signs. This is a decent article with more symptoms of lung cancer:

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Please help!! How do I tell my kids I have Lung cancer, when their Dad died of it

Please help!! How do I tell my kids I have Lung cancer, when their Dad died of it?
And their favorite grandma, and aunt, and another grandma
Cancer - 12 Answers
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1 :
aww...that is so sad! i think you should first tell them how much you love them...then tell them...and dont forget to tell them the details, suprises arent ALWAYS good...
2 :
Wow, that's tough I am sorry you have to face this. Honestly there is not going to be an easy way to tell them, a lot of it will depend on their ages, but I would just assure them that you are doing everything you can to beat it and that you love them very much and do not want to leave them. Remind them that just because the others have died from it does not mean that you will.
3 :
Sit them down and tell them, make sure you have a person with you for support for all of you. Next time you go to the doctor take your kids, this way if they have questions the doctor can explain things. Fnd a support group for yourself and kids. I wish you all the strength you need
4 :
first, try your best to be cured thats for your kids' sake.. Well, you have to tell them step by step... So that they'll be prepared for what may happen and for them to be ready and accept as early as they can the possibilities in the future... Take care of them forever! (-: Get Well...
5 :
just tell them frankly as early as possible before it's going late.they may be shock but im sure they can understand because your desease might be inherited from your husband.
6 :
I'm sorry to hear about you having lung cancer. I would check the book store for books that will help your children to understand lung ca. But most of all be honest with them. hiding the truth will only hurt you and them. If their other family member have died of this you really should make sure you have something set up for the kids just in case you may not need it but don't leave it to chance I'm a nurse and watch families have to deal with this its not easy but doesn't always mean death. But at the same time make sure you fill out a living will and make sure you have a will made up to keep you kids safe
7 :
I aqm sorry to hear your news and here is my two cent. Tell your children that you love them very much refer to your husband about his illness and relate to your illness in order to explain to them.try to be simple as you can. do not give up your hope,and spend time as much as you can with your children. Remember that the power of love can fight anything find a support group and hang out with them Be strong and do not afraid of pain find help from famous hospital and seek info as much as you can. Do not give in easily and be positive Change your diet and keep excercise as much as you can. I will pray for spirit of every religion and i do believe in miracle.
8 :
First of all I feel really sorry for u. I know this will be difficult for u but u will have to tell them. You should first talk to the grandma,(ur mom). Break the news, when u are with her, or rather phone her first telling her u need to talk to her urgently. Go to her place and tell her the news.....this will be very difficult for her too, but then u need someone after all. When the feeling sinks in her, ask her to talk to the children....she will have the motherly touch that is required, U won't be able to do it, I know u must be weak. Seek her help instead, the kids will realize that they have someone else to look upon too. Ask her to help u about with the other granny, because they both must be almost of the same age. Talk to the aunt on phone, u ought not go to her place, talk to her on the phone. Best of luck dear!!God help u. My best wishes are with u. If u need to talk, write at
9 :
Dont forget to tell them smoking is bad for your health. over 90% of lung cancer patients are smokers
10 :
11 :
If it is you (bungiebabe) that you are talking about , then you should'nt tell us here on answers first , your kids should already know - before us . And you tell them just like you told strangers and quit wasting thiers and your precious time ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. I just found out (my Mommy) did not write this question . My little sister played a mean April fools joke on me - because I have been on here answering questions to play with my Mom to see if she could figure out that its me ! Well it's backfiring today , I think .
12 :
I hope your cancer is at early stage. However, if you are dying and if the kids are less than 5-6 years old, they don't understand the concept of death. Just say you take a vacation in heaven. If the kids are older, you just tell them the truth and what you want them to do with it.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Whats the main difference between non small and small cell lung cancer

Whats the main difference between non small and small cell lung cancer?
From what i've seen, i've come to believe that non-small is when the cancer is stil relatively localized? and small cell is when its spreading rapidly already by the time it is diagonosed.... am i correct? I need to know this for a health project, so thanks for any answers..
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
No, they are two different types of lung cancer. Both are bad, but small cell lung cancer has a very bad prognosis, which is what I think you are being confused about. It has little to do with localization, because you can still have diffusely metastasized non-small cell cancer. In general, small cell cancer is rapidly progressive and by the time it is discovered by doctors, it has already metastasized to other parts of the body.
2 :
You are right. Lung cancers are usually divided into two main groups that account for about 95% of all cases. * The division into groups is based on the type of cells that make up the cancer. * The two main types of lung cancer are characterized by the cell size of the tumor when viewed under the microscope. They are called small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). NSCLC includes several subtypes of tumors. * SCLCs are less common, but they grow more quickly and are more likely to metastasize than NSCLCs. Often, SCLCs have already spread to other parts of the body when the cancer is diagnosed. * About 5% of lung cancers are of rare cell types, including carcinoid tumor, lymphoma, and others.
3 :
Correct. Virtually all small-cell lung cancers have metastasized (spreading of cancer to other locations/organs) by the time of diagnosis. This makes it difficult to treat surgically, so chemotherapy, with or without radiation will be the treatment of choice. Non-small-cell lung cancers on the other hand, usually respond poorly to chemotherapy. Non-small cell lung cancers generally have a better prognosis than small-cell lung cancers.
4 :
Here is some very straightforward information on non small cell lung cancer, and small cell lung cancer. I hope you find this useful:

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

am i more likely to get skin cancer or lung cancer

am i more likely to get skin cancer or lung cancer?
i tan in a tanning bed, and never go long enough to burn, but i do go nearly every week day for a month or two, then stop for like 6 months. my friend smokes daily, and probably a pack a day on weekends. which one of use are more likely to end up with cancer? she's lectures me about tanning, but i don't know that what i'm doing is any worse than what she is.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
You're both going to get cancer eventually. Skin cancer is fairly common in people who tan though so I think you're probably going to get cancer first.
2 :
I think if you had someone close with cancer and could see for yourself what it does to a person, you would both quit doing something that is almost guaranteed to give cancer to you. It's not nice to see and very difficult to bear watching a loved one waste away from it.
3 :
she is more likely to get cancer. lung cancer is caused by arsenic in drinking water. there is no convincing evidence that there is anything that causes skin cancer. --world cancer research fund
4 :'re both playing with fire. Skin cancer is the more likely outcome from tanning. Smoking could bring on any number of health issues. Read the following to get a sobering look at tanning...,23599,22293079-1243,00.html
5 :
Having just watched my husband die from lung cancer at the early age of 58 I'd tell your friend to give up NOW! By the time you get symptoms it's already too late and often too far advanced for anything other than palliative treatment. To see someone go from a relatively fit younger than his age looking man to a shrunken husk who looks ninety in just 4 months is devastating! It's also not just Lung Cancer she needs to worry about. Smoking also increases the risks of heart disease and several other types of cancer. As for yourself, I'd give up the sun bed just as quickly. Everyday is far too much and having time off wont help. You increase your risk every time you use one. It will also age you faster, and there isn't a product on the market that can repair the damage done by sunbeds. Of course if you don't mind looking like an old woman when you are only in your 30's........

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Monday, October 1, 2012

How long does it take lung cancer to kill you

How long does it take lung cancer to kill you?

Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Months to years, My grandpa had it for years because he had a really good doctor but he died in 2005 when i was 9 :(
2 :
really short if you continue smoking
3 :
It depends on the stage and the type of lung cancer. If there is no spread in other organs and the removal and treatment done right away, one can live many years. If it has metastasized in other organs, or is secondary (metastasis from other area) then the time is more limited
4 :
It all depends on what stage it is at. The sooner it is found the better chance the person has of beating it. If it has already spread to other organs have faith, but the chances of the person dying are about 90% unfortunately. Stage 4, which is extremely deadly usually kills the patient in 4months to a year.
5 :
Depend on the stage. If not treated well, can die within months. It also depends on the person's attitude toward his disease: if he's positive thinking, he cares on his diet and eat supplements/multivitamins... he will surely survive longer.

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