Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where can I find a person to interview in regards to Terminal Lung Cancer

Where can I find a person to interview in regards to Terminal Lung Cancer?
Doctors, Nurses, and victims, or any one who has dealt with it.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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you can contact me if you like. I have stage iv terminal non small cell lung cancer. katemihalicz@gmail.com I'll help with your questions in any way I can.
2 :
Might find in Chinese Chi Kung medical science

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Friday, October 24, 2008

How do I host a benefit for a good friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer

How do I host a benefit for a good friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer?
I'm not really sure what I am doing. Once we hold the benefit, do we just hand the money over to my friend and his family? Will it be taxed? I don't understand how this works. I need to know soon, we're not sure how much time he has. Please help!
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Why don't you go to one of these sites that does fundraising and ask someone there? Frankly, we hold golf tournaments and do fundraising all the time and we do it by word of mouth and no one is issued a receipt or anything. It's done from goodwill. If you're going to go the registered charity route your friend will likely be long gone by then. How about just holding a huge BBQ and accepting donations from people for the family (charge a certain fee per person or family - $25 or $100 etc.) Won't your church or school, etc. do something like that? Bet you could get most of the food donated too or just have it be a huge pot luck. And how about making it a huge celebration of his life too and having him there, so he knows how much he's loved. If you are from a small town I can't imagine not having the event be a whole town affair.
2 :
just have a cancer walk and donate the money they will realy apreceate it
3 :
visit http://www.cancerssociety.org for more info

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Monday, October 20, 2008

How do you talk to someone that just found out they gave lung cancer

How do you talk to someone that just found out they gave lung cancer?
She will definitely die because she is elderly. Do you act like nothin is wrong or do you let her talk or do I try to be cheerful or what?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
You may find this unbelievable, but it happened to me on Friday. I was taking care of this lil old lady in the hospital and her husband told me he was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier that morning. He had just come from his doctors office. I listened. Thats all I did. I think you should just give her room to talk it out and tell you what she thinks. If you really care a lot about her, offer yourself for her needs and just be yourself. Dont fake it. Tell her you care and if you can do anything to help her to call you anytime. Maybe offer to take her to her doctors appointment or to shop for groceries for her when she is having treatment. Its still probably soaking in to her. She may just want to know someone will help her during this time in her life. If she doesnt have family this could be her biggest fear...being alone. Your right her prognoisis is terrible. Most lung cancer pts are likely to die before their 1st year of treatment. Almost all of them die before 5 yrs pass. The survival rate is terrible.
2 :
Do you mean someone who just found out they HAVE lung cancer? Well, if it is that, show them love, show them that someone cares about them. Don't let them feel lonely, so that they would feel...
3 :
I was diagnosed with lung cancer in September. What helped me the most is my friend being there for moral support. She let me talk, offered suggestions, told me she would be available for shopping and transportation needs. It was a blessing to know she was there for me.
4 :
First, and I say this in all seriousness, you can NEVER say 100% that someone will die. Just can't. There are people that survive this..elderly people, children, anyone..out of each group some of them live. If the lady is otherwise healthy, maybe there is a way to treat her. So putting a label on someone's forehead that they will die is like playing God..have some faith! Patients want to hear that they will live, that they have a chance, no matter how small..maybe this elderly lady has a fighting spirit, who are you to try to bring her down? You should cheer her up, tell her to be strong, encourage her, pray with her, tell her that you believe in her chance to get better! Just hearing that can give someone HOPE and comfort. You as a patient do not want or need to FEEL that others around you think you won't make it. It discourages them. It "kills" them to know others have lost faith. It's sad! Please accept yourself that she may beat the odds, in order to honestly share this faith with her! There's a good book, Climbing for Cancer or something like that, about a guy who beat cancer 3 times..each time being told by docs that he has couple months til he's dead and cold. He beat different types of cancer! He's alive, despite the odds.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke? do they get lung cancer at all

can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke? do they get lung cancer at all?
Sophia - i never said i was a smoker (which i am not). i was just curious. who are you guys, the thought police?
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Dogs can get all kinds of cancer. I don't think second hand smoke is going to cause too much of a problem overall unless you have a breed that has difficulty breathing..short snouted breeds and such. Excuse me all you people piling onto this poster like she is a demon. Number one, she never said she was a smoker Number two, there are worse health hazards to dogs than second hand smoke now and again. Number three: get off your self righteous high horses, not everyone is as pristine and as pure as you. Drives me nuts, people who want to lord it over everyone and be the health police for all.. I don't smoke, but for pete's sake, it's not the end of the world if someone does.
2 :
Second hand smoke is just as harmful to our dogs as it is to humans. Not only do dogs who live with smokers have higher incidences of cancer, but often they will suffer from asthma. It is very sad and easy to avoid. And yes, dogs can get lung cancer.
3 :
The fact that you are asking is very sad. What do you think? Dogs are immune to smoke? Everyone should just stop smoking. You are killing your family, your pets and yourself just to satisfy your addiction. Very sad. I feel awful for any dogs or kids living with smokers. ADD: Ok I am sorry, I just thought you were one of those smokers who is ignorant to any one else around them. And anyone who gave me a thumb down is a smoker who feels guilty they are giving their family cancer.
4 :
I think it's great that you are concerned about dogs health issues. Yes dogs get cancer,all types. They get cancer from many things ,not just second hand smoke.Chemicals and pesticides are usually the cause. My little dog had breast cancer,she also has asthma.No one has ever smoked around her.She did have surgery and is cancer free now.
5 :
Can they, yes. But how many dogs have you ever known with lung cancer?

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

What are the chances of a 21 year old non-smoker getting lung cancer

What are the chances of a 21 year old non-smoker getting lung cancer?
Use to have people smoke around me and didn't mind, but that doesn't happen very much anymore.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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2 :
Party boy - The chances of 21-year old non-smoker like you having a typical non-small or squamous cell carcinoma type lung cancer are close to zero. There are other rare tumors of the lung or middle of the chest (mediastinum) that do occur, but they are not connected with smokers or breathing second-hand smoke.
3 :
Your chances of getting lung cancer are miniscule. Live in the moment and enjoy life.
4 :
It is possible but unlikely - my father smoked for 60 years before he got lung cancer and was cured, 3 years later he died of bowel cancer. I am 52 and smoked for a long time and don't have it yet. My grandfather never smoked and died age 60 of lung cancer, We never know whats round the corner so stop worrying and enjoy life as it wont be long till you are a pensioner.
5 :
Dear Party Boy, there are no guarantees in life. The older you get, the more you realize this. At 21 years old, and a non-smoker at that, why are you wasting time wondering about lung cancer? All we can do in this dangerous place we live, is to do the best we can to avoid known stumbling blocks. Not smoking is a positive thing. Eat well, exercise often, love hard and give much. Hopefully you will be around this earth to feel satisfied that you lived a long enough time. Don't squander time worrying about things you cannot control. Enjoy each day.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How long from the time symptoms occur is it obvious someone has Lung Cancer

How long from the time symptoms occur is it obvious someone has Lung Cancer?
i have felt fatigued for a few months now, and now my chest is starting to hurt, and i have worsening breathlessness. i am very worried, i got an x-ray but my doctor has not gotten back to me yet.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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If your doctor suspects cancer, then specific diagnostic tests and medical imaging will be ordered. Frankly, it sounds more like you have a respiratory or cardiac issue than cancer. In any event, this needs to be handled by your physician.
2 :
"BSherman" is correct. If someone has symptoms of lung cancer, it will show up on x-ray studies. Chest pain is not a common presenting symptom of lung cancer. It would help us a great deal to know what age you are. Only 3% of lung cancers are found in people under age 45. Most lung cancers are found in people over age 65. I suspect you are under age 45. The majority of the time that a lung cancer is growing is asymptomatic, so symptoms are a very late sign. The chances are that you do not have lung cancer, but your x-rays and your doctor will make the call - not those of us here on YA.
3 :
You have very vague symptoms right now & they don't really point to just cancer. Chest pains can be from just lung irritation or inflammation like in pneumonia or even just muscle or rib problems. Cancer of the lung usually causes other symptoms like coughing up blood when the disease progresses. Fatigue is so general & there are so many things that cause it. Breathlessness is a also a very general symptom & can be caused by lung or cardiac problems but also can result when the body has other diseases.I'd be curious to see if your doctor heard anything in your lungs like fluid, dullness or other physical findings esp. those pointing to a definite abnormality. The only way you will know is by the x-ray results. If there is an abnormal finding you will need either a CAT or MRI to know. It could even be justy the flu which also causes those symptoms. Please contact your doctor for that is the only way you will know for sure. Good luck.
4 :
As I have just told someone else - when my dad had lung cancer he had no symptoms except a cough, 5 days after xrays and scans he had part of his lung removed and survived lung cancer, he died 3 years later of stomach cancer 6 weeks after being diagnosed. Do you not have to call your doctor for the results?

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

does anyone know the survivor rate for lung cancer with and without treatment

does anyone know the survivor rate for lung cancer with and without treatment?
was diagnosed with lung cancer 10/10/07. Will begin treatment this week. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
My father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, saw a surgeon, and discussed chemotherapy and radiation. After being told that the treatments could only buy him a few more months of life, not years, he opted not to take ANY treatment whatsoever. He continued smoking and drinking and lived for 18 months.
2 :
It depends if it hits the blood stream or not. If it does, bad news. It's up to you but chances are much higher.
3 :
My best friend was diagnosed with lung cancer (in both lumgs) and was told that he had six months to live. His final decision was to take the best of both worlds: Accept treatment; and combine this with holistic medications (mainly consisting of various types of herbal mushrooms). He survived for four years under this regimen! Not only that; but he survived two strokes during those four years! There are very few people who are wiling to take the risk of disregarding "full" treatment" when diagnosed with lung cancer. Statistics favor the downside: Six months or less; however, based upon what my friend did, I would certainly try "his method" of survival. Keeping a healthy mind - and lots of positive thinking - will help most people endure for more years than predicted. Tom B
4 :
any survival rates given here with the information you have given would be very vague and could be misleading, lung cancer is an aggressive cancer and can spread quickly...... it depends on many factors.... operable/non operable, any secondaries ? state of the persons overall health other than the cancer?....small cell/non small cell..... treatments offered? I would have a chat with your oncologist for a more accurate answer.... best wishes and good luck
5 :
have treatment my mother did when she was diagnosed and she lived for another 4 years but died there in may treatment worked for her cause she was only given 6 months to a year
6 :
It depends on how far along the cancer has progressed. My mom had cancer five years ago, was caught in the very first stage, the tumor was about the size of a quarter, chemo/radiation and was given a clear bill of health, five years later. Two months after this clearance, she had some issues and the cancer was back, this time the tumor was the size of a softball and growing. She was given one month, and didn't make the full month. So....................hope is out there if detected early. If your's is further along, I hope your doctor offered Hospice care for you, it's a wonderful thing and you can spend your days at home with family/friends. It's great not only for the patient, but for the family, as well. Take care.......
7 :
all I believe is there are no two people alike. Some live for a looooooong time. I'm reading a book right now about the first cancer survivor to summit Everest..Sean Swarner. He was diagnosed with lymphoma at 13 and given 3 MONTHS. He underwent chemo and was in remission. After a few years he was diagnosed with an aggresive lung cancer and given 2 WEEKS. He is alive and well and it;s been 10 years from the last cancer diagnosis (after surgery and chemo and all that) and he has summited Everest a couple years back. So you never know. http://www.bordersstores.com/search/title_detail.jsp?id=56298701&srchTerms=Keep+Climbing&mediaType=1&srchType=Keyword

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is the likelihood of a smoker getting lung cancer

What is the likelihood of a smoker getting lung cancer?
Say they smoke approximately 15 cigarettes a day.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
very likely.. stop now when you have a chance... my grandfather died from lung cancer!!
2 :
While the actual rate of lung cancer among smokers is fairly low, as in much less than 1/2, the rate is much higher than among those who don't smoke. There is no really accurate way to predict your "chances" if you smoke, as doctors still don't understand all of the factors that contribute to lung cancer.
3 :
At that rate its almost 99.9 percent they will contract lung cancer...if they stick to their current trend. It's best stop now.
4 :
Chances are 100% in 40 years. Quit now.
5 :
not incredibly high (17%) but if you have lung cancer, there is a 90% chance you are a smoker it is important to note that lung cancer is not the only illness that increases in probability from smoking, more than likely you will die of a smoke related heart attack before developing lung cancer. In general, smoking causes you to age faster.
6 :
I'm not really sure. My father smoked for 52 years and quit cold turkey. Later he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and when he passed it was caused by cancer in his lungs caused by asbestos--nothing to do with all his years of smoking cigarettes and he was so bad that a carton didn't last him two days.
7 :
Dear Super Star, the chances for a person who smokes develop cancer is higher than for those who don't. You may find more informations on this subject in this site: http://cancerhelp.awardspace.com/ Hope it helps, My best regards

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