Marijuana, crack, or tobacco?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is the wrong group for this question.
2 :
Pure forms of each? I would still say tobacco. It coats your lungs. The others dont put as thick a layer. Tobacco has its effect because it literally takes away some of your oxygen. Mj has the chemical thc which interacts with you. Crack is just wack. Crack will with out a doubt kill you first though.
3 :
tobacco or pot. they have the same effects on the body, but pot is generally better for you - the health benefits can outweight the negative. crack - well, that's just stupid. btw - 420, babby!!!!
4 :
5 :
if you smoke pole you will get AIDS/HIV
6 :
tobacco or crack for sure. crack would probably kill you of something else before lung cancer. however, if you get past all that the smoke is harsher than tobacco, so it's a good chance for lung cancer. tobacco has many, many chemicals added to it. from rat poison, to embalming fluid, to things used to make bombs. good idea...not. marijuana has no added chemicals, and is nothing but natural. there's been studies showing that smoking marijuana can reduce tumor growth. i pretty much saw that first hand. my friend's mom had cancer, chemo, and a short time to live. she got so weak she had to cut her hair off because she didn't have the energy to style it. she's smoked marijuana for a very long time. she had stopped chemo for a while, and was taking oxycontin and other pills. actually, she was trading them for marijuana. marijuana was the only medicine she took. she went back to the doctor to get tested and find out when she would start chemo again. guess what? not a single trace of cancer. how did cancer magically disappear? i would bet on it that the marijuana helped, as nothing else did. a lot of things you hear about marijuana are not true. do some research and you'll see.
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