are there more negatives than positives cuz i love the head rush....even if its temporary. im 16
Cancer - 53 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are no positives. They make you die slowly and painfully.
2 :
heart disease
3 :
I been puffin since 14 sooo i have to say you get addicted
4 :
bad skin, ugly teeth...
5 :
they make you look cool. they help you get chicks.
6 :
you will grow a pennise
7 :
girl u bettr quit before ur parents find out.......... not good for u QUIT
8 :
yes smoking is bad.. but sometimes i just need that rush too.. once in a while it's fine i guess
9 :
Uh, stop smoking. You can get lung cancer, and as a result it can give you brain caner, that's what happened to my dad, and he died 7 years ago because of it.
10 :
Bad breath, addiction, burnt-looking lungs (does that still count as lung cancer?) :)
11 :
you can't recover from cold as well as a non-smoker can. you are basically sucking tar into your lungs. it smells like shit.
12 :
13 :
there are no 'upsides' to smokingg.
14 :
stink breath ... yellow teeth... chest turns red... get looked as a hoe
15 :
Smelly clothes, yellow teeth, bad breath, compromised immune system, heart disease, having to go without them in certain situations and being very moody because of it
16 :
heart disease, hairy tongue, yellow teeth, deep wrinkles at age 20 ugly skin, and uhhhhh..... oh yeah! DEATH!!!
17 :
Heart disease, oral cancer, poor circulation, etc. Also, the head rush will eventually go away and you will still be addicted. Quit before you get too hooked. I have seen too many people get hooked.
18 :
...well being a smoker of 15 i can tell you the head rushes will go...soon...and the only major temporary ones are... short of breath teeth color breathe smell hand smell ...other stuff somes with time, including the cough
19 :
they relax me, im around the same age as you but theyre nasty death sticks, i'm not addicted. the physical effects are pretty disgusting; yellowteeth, bad breath, tongue stains.. the internal effects are worse.
20 :
You ever walk down the street in your flip flops and get one caught between your toes? Carelessly discarded cigarettes can give you a hotfoot!
21 :
Loss of appetite, dulls your taste buds so you can't taste food. Mouth cancer. All sorts of cancer. I don't judge you for smoking; but trust me, there are more negatives than positives, since you asked.
22 :
stinky clithes, stinky cars, coughing, burns in furniture and clothes and cars and, tables, other people by acciden. Insurance is harder to come by and more expensive. Smokes cost alot and are going up. Do the math it is not worth it!
23 :
bad breath, yellow fingernails, shortened breath, and a crappy image in the eyes of people passing you on the street if you really want a head rush, try, oh i don't know, exercise! there's nothing like the feeling you get after running 3 miles, not to mention how good it is for you.
24 :
cigarettes havent been proven to cause lung cancer, anymore than stress or many other things we use in this world everyday don't let this green going bandwagon hippies trick you look it up for yourself. There isn't any reports that link lung cancer and smoking NOT ONE. (that increases the risk more than other things) its just like diet sodas if you drank 50 diet sodas a day for a year you would get cancer because they do increase your cancer risk...just not that much.
25 :
nothing good about them gives you really bad breath bad teeth bad skin i even heard that if you're a girl it'll make you look manlier and if ur a bout it'll make u look girlier...
26 :
-> You will look like 28 at age 21, and look 55 at age 30.
27 :
Effects of Tobacco Smoke Smoking KILLS Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking. One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age. Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers. The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels. This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated. Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year. Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs. Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain put on your body by smoking often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers. Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack. Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease. In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking. You should quit. Plus, you are much too young to be smoking, even though NOBODY should.
28 :
It is now well established smoking cigarettes is harmful to health.....esp lungs..Besides cancer, you can get Bronchitis, Emphysema, Pharyngitis besides stained teeth and effects on the Cardiovascular system causing an increased risk of sudden death, heart attack and stroke.
29 :
Emphysema, suffocation, brain cancer, throat cancer, increased chance of skin cancer, skin wrinkles and quicker aging, yellow and stained fingers, heart attack, decay of lung just to name a few.
30 :
there are definitely more negatives than positives. your teeth turn yellow, your fingernails get really gross, you can get bone cancer, you can get... the list never ends. im not just saying that to get you to quit. itll destoy your life. and believe me, cancer is the worst. im almost 14 and my mom died of cancer 2 1/2 years ago. dont do that to your loved ones.
31 :
YELLOW TEETH, HEART PROBLEMS, SAGGING EYES, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU AGE QUICKER!!!! A lot of bad things happen if you smoke, i know, my grandpa died from it. :( . . .
32 :
its addicting, smells disgusting, waste of money and expensive, annoying because smokers always have to take a break and smoke, and i wont kiss a smoker. PLEASE dont do it! im 20 and have never been a smoker. its just not cool
33 :
Ever seen spiders, well cigs lay eggs inside your stomach so if lung cancer dosnt kill you. the spider will. And also only i have the cure for this desease, and it cost like only 56 easy paments of 19.99,and one cmplicated payment of 5.67 that is payed in yen. love Billy Mays
34 :
Heart Disease, Bronchitis, Blindess, Each cigarette contains nearly 50 carcinogens, substances that are capable of causing caner. Cigarettes have ammonia, which is used to clean toilets, nickel, radioactive polonium 210. Don't believe me, look it up. Smoking can damage your blood vessels, and the carbon monoxide can reduce the oxygen-carrying ability of red blood cells, which is bad then your cells won't get adequate oxygen. Quit Smoking!
35 :
The body is adaptagenic. This means that the body builds an immunity around the toxins of the cigarettes. In affect, the body grows dependent on it. Again, the body is adaptogenic, and severe smokers can actually revert their cellular structure to no longer want cigarettes and revert to the time before smoking. Remember, the body is adaptogenic, meaning, it is a cell making machine. It is re creating copies of you over and over again. The more free radical damage (from smoking, toxins in the environment, and stress), the faster you age. So, do you want wrinkles at 49 or do you want wrinkles at 29? Don't smoke or smoke? After 40 is usually when the cancer kicks in. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the lungs, it can be anywhere else, and the smoking adds to the oxidative stress, which free radicals are known to cause cancers of every kind. Poison is poison. Think about it... Answered by an X Smoker from 12 years to 26 years.
36 :
it can make you cough up objects make you become skinny makes your body weaker because the nicotine changes the way your brain and body function by giving you an invigorating feeling At the same time it releases adrenaline, which cause an increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing. Health problems associated with nicotine addiction include lung cancer, stroke, emphysema, heart problems and diabetes complications. Other effects of nicotine addiction are erectile dysfunction, Buerger's disease (acute inflammation of veins and arteries of the hands and feet)
37 :
Smoking increases your risk of lung cancer, stroke, heart disease, oral cancer, throat cancer, infertility, yellowing of teath, ageing of skin, etc And these are just the foirst few that spring to mind. There are no positives, and heaps of negatives.
38 :
first of all its illegal to Smoke at too young of age because it will stop you from growing completing(fact for a person of the age of 12-14), it will hurt your skin, your control over things,teeth, how fast you can run, who long you can run without getting tired,and your breath will smell. You will also have a better chance at getting Asama and having regular head akes. i have never smoked but my grandma has(she told me some) and my doctor told me the rest. Hope this helps. Also if you love the rush feeling there is a way to get a natural high. If you ecrise a lot you body will make this chemical(good) i forgot the name and it will make you feel happy and good.
39 :
Heart disease; emphysema; organ dysfunction and/or failure; diverticulitis (and resultant colonectomy); stinky, smelly colostomy bag; skin cancer; throat cancer; mouth, gum, tongue disease; loss of taste; loss of smell; digestive complications - ........just to name a few....
40 : the tobacco company puts all kinds of sh*t in butts from congnac to chocolate soo the headrush you get will turn into nicotine cravings and urges that are not pleasant good luck
41 :
Emphasima, addiction, raspy voice, difficulty going up stairs or running or physical activity, wallet drain $$. Smoking is fine when you are young and first starting out but it takes its toll on your body. I started smoking at 15 and quit last year at 35. I did so because it was making me feel really old and gross. I was coughing alot every morning and was finding exercise difficult. If you smoke just keep it a social thing and don't become "A Smoker" Quitting after 20 years was REALLY DIFFICULT! I actually had been trying to quit for 10 years if that gives you any idea of how hard it is.
42 :
There is nothing positive about cigarettes. They cause your lungs to turn black, your teeth yellow, and will cause you to have trouble breathing. Basically it is bad for you and each time you smoke one, you are ending your life faster.
43 :
Hmmm. Clothes stink, breath stinks, car stinks, room stinks, house stinks. It's not just lung cancer but the entire degradatino of your health. Having healthy lungs mean being more fit and getting more oxygen through your blood which in turn can help detoxify your blood and all the organs in your body. It's like having clean fuel running through your engine as opposed to fuel with bits of dust, grease, particles, dirt. It also means giving your body more energy and power to fight infections. Lowered immunity and stress and poor health just keep feeding off each other until you look old and awful and feel gross and weak. Oh yeah, forgot, it ages you faster. It wrinkles up your mouth when you're always making a pout. I know old people who have smoked, bc they have lines radiating out from their lips. Their skin is also dry and wrinkles faster bc there's less oxygen pumping through their blood and detoxifying the toxins in your skin. Smoke also dries out your esophagus ultimately giving you a raspy voice in addition to countless throat and sinus infections. In your 20's a raspy voice may sound sexy but in your 30's and on it makes you sound like a dying corpse. There's better drugs out there like alcohol. Sorry, seriously, smoking is one of the worst things to do besides cutting maybe. Smoke also has all those weird toxins in it that also wreck havoc on your body and immune system. Lastly, it damages your wallet.
44 :
no positives. you are inhaling tar, and the same ingredients in rat poison. 1. wrinkles 2. dehydration 3. my moms lungs were so filled with tar, that they fused with the gall bladder, giving her "gall bladder" problems.. when she went in to have the lungs defused from her gall bladder her heart stopped, seems it was affected as well. 4. congestive heart failure twice (caused by the heart speeding up from the smoking) 5. She finally died from a stroke caused by..... smoking. Yep that head rush is actually caused by heart rush,... it sucks the life right out of you with every puff. The wrinkles alone would be enough to make me not start along with the arsenic (main ingredient in arsenic) Oh yeah I forgot to tell you of the fights we used to have when she would get dizzy from the "head/heart" rush and fall a lot. I took all matches away (she couldn't even walk to the store she would get so dizzy and fall and the only times she wasn't like that is one month off cigarettes then she would get WELL and healthier walk to the store and buy cigarettes and matches... Anyway I had to take the matches, take apart the stove so she couldn't light them on the burners. Fun Fun Fun... And pretty too with all those wrinkles, bad breath and smelly clothes she couldn't even smell.
45 :
My mother died from the affects of cigarette smoking. It is clearly printed on her death certificate. She had emphysema, a slow and painful death. If you want to know what smoking does to your body go to a hospital or nursing home and see a cancer or emphysema patient. It's not a pretty sight. I beg you to quit now while you are still young enough for your lungs to repair themselves. There are no pluses to smoking. If you want a head rush try standing up too fast.
46 :
I'm an occasional smoker myself, and here's what I think. Positives: you look cool, you get a sort of buzz from the nicotine, it's sometimes a good stress reliever Negatives: heart problems (I haven't experienced this, but I heard of it), addiction, cancer, you smell like it unless you spray on cologne or perfume to cover the scent, your breath smells like it unless you chew gum afterwards
47 :
Throat cancer Mouth Cancer Heart Disease Besides it being incredibly bad for your health, smoking also: Makes your hair smell like cigarettes (instead of fresh & clean) Makes your clothes smell like stale cigarette smoke (instead of fresh & clean) Makes your breath wreak. Stains your teeth yellowish brown You'll quickly gain a regular unattractive smokers cough - and will cough even when you aren't smoking. Smokers have "whisky voice" women sound a bit gruff. Smoking causes premature wrinkles due to its drying effects. Excessive wrinkling around the mouth. Smokers have significant less endurance due to a weakened lung capacity. P.S. you'll go broke being a smoker - 1 pack of cigarettes is now anywhere from $5.00 - 10.00/pack. Alternatives for the head rush you enjoy: Hanging your head over the edge of the bed upside down and stand up quickly. Rremember when you were 5 and used to love doing that? It's the same childish rush you get when smoking. Intense exercise ALWAYS give a great rush, not just in your head - your entire body. Good luck! :)
48 :
please believe me there are no positives bad breath/ stains your teeth/mouth and lung cancer/throat cancer/ emphysema / it stunts your growth/ high blood pressure/poisons your blood/ smell stays on your body in your hair / it ages your appearance/// makes you look at least ten years older /// and it is very hard to quit.. i use to smoke quit while you have a chance
49 :
They make you smell like an ashtray and look like an idiot.
50 :
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