Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Omigosh, I fell so sad right now. Reading that just broke my heart. Of course it won't be easy to tell your parents, so either sit down and tell tem, you may prefera private place - they mightcry, or a public place - so they cant freak to much OR you could go to your doctor by askig your mom to make you an appointment, tell your doctor your concerns and ask he/she to tell your parents for you - yeah it is kinda cheaping out but sometimes you just cant do it Hope all goes well, my heart goes out to you0/*h
2 :
Lung cancer in a 15 year old would be very surprising. At 15 you don't have the knowledge or the skill to be able to diagnose something this complex. If you are having symptoms of ill health, get your parents to take you to the Dr and find out what is actually wrong with you.
3 :
You donĂ¢€™t as 15 year-olds do not get lung cancer. If you donĂ¢€™t feel well just tell them they will take it well.
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