Thursday, July 28, 2011

What is the causes and symptoms for lung cancer

What is the causes and symptoms for lung cancer?
its our group act. at school. i chose the group logical so please help...
Other - Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
There is a good overview of Lung Cancer that should be ideal for you to put something together at this site:
2 :
Causes of lung cancer Smoking cigarettes (direct and second-hand) - by far the most common cause Other environmental factors (Radiation exposure, asbestos, radon, metals (arsenic, chromium, and nickel), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Symptoms of lung cancer May not have any symptoms Cough, coughing up blood Weight loss Chest pain Shortness of breath Bone pain Also other rare presentations that can be associated with lung cancer Hope this helps.
3 :
There is a cancer website I came across that has a pretty good concise list of different cancers and contact information: Hope this helps!

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am taking gefftinet medicine for lung cancer can Idrink alcahol

I am taking gefftinet medicine for lung cancer can Idrink alcahol?
Ihave pleural lung cancer.I have been through 5 cycles of chemo,have been taking gefftinet from five months
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Its really best if you avoid alcohol completely.
2 :
yes you can but in small amounts not in large amounts
3 :
Check with your doctor to see if there may be any interactions between meds you are taking and alcohol. He should be able to tell you if it is safe or not. In some cases one drink is fine, but it is possible that interaction could worsen the side affects associated with chemotherapy or intefere with treatment results. It is best to ask your doctor before drinking. Alcohol and chemotherapy

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

how long do people last who have small cell lung cancer in both lungs

how long do people last who have small cell lung cancer in both lungs ?
The doctor said its a large mass in both lungs that is shutting her broncial tubes.And they said its not opperable.My father died of cancer but it was not of the lung and I was so young I dont remember to much.Im not sure what to expect and feel lost.We've only knew for 9 days how long can people last with this condition?She started cemo 2 days after they found it.It made her so sick and now she cant hardly swallow.I dont want my mother to die shes the only thing I have left but I dont want her to suffer any more than she has to.Does cemo work enough,and is there anything that I can do like herbs or anything to help her? Thanks so much,Darlene
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Many cancer patients have tried using shark cartilage to treat their disease. Shark cartilage is thought to interfere with the tumor's blood supply. A clinical trial using this treatment in lung cancer patients is ongoing.
2 :
I am very sorry to hear about your mother's cancer. Have the doctors told you her prognosis? Have you gone on the American Cancer society's website? You can look up small cell carcinoma on their site. I hate to give an answer because I don't want to cause you more pain. My grandmother had small cell lung cancer but did not take the treatment because of its small rate of success. Your mom may not have the same statistics as my grandmother. My grandmother wanted to live out her final months without being hideously ill from chemo, that was a hard decision for her but she waited a few days before deciding against treatment. She lived 5 months after her diagnosis but who knows how long she had it before she had any symptoms. Again, I don't know what the doctors have said about your mother but there is a lot of information on the web (that's what helped my grandma make her decision). Educate yourself and your mom and make the right decision for quality of life (if that is her situation). Please feel free to contact me through my profile if you have further questions or just need support. My grandmother was never in pain and was completely coherent up to her time of death. I wish you and your mother every blessing. Best to you.
3 :
Do not blink your eyes or she is gone
4 :
New adjunct chemo therapy tested for approval in the USA. Increased the ability of patients to tolerate Chemo to the full 100% Increased the Survival rate by 80% They are accepting some patients under FDA Fast Track SPA Phase III in the USA. Script is available outside the USA: Novelos' pipeline of drugs is based on oxidized glutathione, a natural metabolite that is part of the glutathione pathway. This pathway is the primary determinant of intracellular redox (oxidation/reduction) potential and, as such, plays a key role in cell protection (e.g. detoxification) and in regulation of cell signaling pathways (e.g. leading to cytokine production). Novelos̢۪ lead products are believed to act, in part, via post-translational modification (glutathionylation) of critical regulatory proteins that mediate processes including immune function, cell proliferation and tumor progression (in combination with chemotherapy). They may also sensitize tumor cells to certain chemotherapeutic drugs by modifying drug detoxification processes.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

I smoke a pack of Cigarettes a week, what are my chances of developing Lung Cancer

I smoke a pack of Cigarettes a week, what are my chances of developing Lung Cancer?
And I've been smoking for 4 years.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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2 :
Keep it up until you smoke 4 packs a day. That way you will be sure of it and maybe make it to 50yr old. STOP SMOKING. YOU'LL ONLY BE ABLE TO SMOKE IN YOUR CAR SOON. OH YES IT WILL KILL YOU!!!
3 :
they are much higher than some one how dose ot smoke. but there are Many people how smoke and live hang and joy filled lives. you have 67% chance of getting it but kids how reseve second hand smokin have 78% chance of developing lung cancer. good luck
4 :
its hard to tell you this, but every cigarette you smoke, takes 11 minutes off your life.
5 :
A pack a week in 4 years won't give you lung cancer. Your lungs can clear out about 3 cigarettes a day. The danger comes when you are at about 1 pack per day for 15 to 20 years.
6 :
u can develop pancreatic cancer too, u should definitely consider quitting, Please!!! You dnt want to put ur family through the horrible ordeal of cancer.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just found out my second cousin has lung cancer. How do I deal

Just found out my second cousin has lung cancer. How do I deal?
I am very upset. He is only in his early 50s and we are very close. He is the only second cousin who doesn't treat me like (pardon the expression) a bastard at a family reunion. How do I deal with this? I would be devastated should he pass away young. I'm crying right now as I write this.
Psychology - 1 Answers
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my best friend had lung cancer too. the best thing you can do is be there, listen, let him set the pace and don't be afraid to ask how he is feeling etc. best of luck!!~!

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Friday, July 8, 2011

how long do it take to get lung cancer from smokin

how long do it take to get lung cancer from smokin?
im 19, started smokin a lil bit at 13, than stopped at 15. started last august smokin about 5 a day, than upto 10 cigarettes a day, than in march afta loosin my job, a pack a day, n for da past 2 weeks since my break-up, im at almost 2 packs a day. i dnt c myself stoppin, n my friend told me my lungs r already dat true?
Other - Health - 5 Answers
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1 : will scare the living daylights out of you. Quit while you still can!
2 :
It's government propaganda that smoking gives you cancer, it's bullshit don't believe it, smoking is enjoyable and relaxing.
3 :
stop while you still can m8
4 :
You already have irreversible damage. But probably not enough that your lungs can't recover. You are still very young. But if you take the advice of Julius then you will be dead a lot sooner than you think...right along side of him, no doubt. Not to mention it is a very expensive and stinky habit. I can tell by the charred flesh smell when someone walks by me that they will be dead soon.
5 :
There is no medical rule which tells you the number of years you smoke and the time you get lung cancer. Medical research tells us that the longer and more you smoke, the higher your chance of getting lung cancer. You may get "lucky" and never develop lung cancer. However, a non-smoker is more likely to be "lucky" than a smoker.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

do we have rights for disabled for lung cancer on rent

do we have rights for disabled for lung cancer on rent?
do i have rights as my husband has became disabled earlier this year and can no longer work as he has welders lung or (lung cancer) we have been sending what we can for rent . we are waiting for medicare to kick in and so we are waiting for that and we have been living on his unemployment.can he kick us out for non payment although we have been making what we can?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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I looked at your profile and saw that you live in Idaho. Idaho laws provide almost no protection for renters regardless of the situation. You can be evicted by your landlord, but he has to take the matter to court and the decision is up to the judge. Since there is no law that prevents eviction when someone is disabled, the judge would likely rule in favor of the landlord. Because evictions involve getting a lawyer and going to court, a landlord has an incentive to work with you to make payments instead of eviction. Your best bet is probably to contact your landlord, explain the situation, and agree on some sort of payment schedule.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

How many years of smoking does it take to develop Lung Cancer

How many years of smoking does it take to develop Lung Cancer ?

Cancer - 19 Answers
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22 years of smoking here ..... and nothing yet (cough cough)
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Depends how long, how much, how often, and what kind of cigarettes/cigars they smoked
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depends how much you smoke, if you have filters on the end:) i have been smoking for 10 yrs i dont have it lol who knows depends dont smoke its bad for ya but it is hard as hell to quit i know this:)
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very few. Some people who don't even smoke, and NEVER smoked, get lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke, so if you smoked even for a short while, you can have the toxins in your system that can cause cancer.
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the first cigarette. never begin if you don't want to know
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It varies from person to person, keeping in mind that everyone who smokes does not get lung cancer and everyone who gets lung cancer doesn't get it from smoking.
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I'm sure a long time like 50 years i know loads of people who have been smoking for ages
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depends how big ur penis is if ur a girl.
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I personally believe Cancer starts out in your genes. How you live your life stimulates whatever chemicals in your body to react & cause cancer. (think of skin cancer, breast cancer, bone marrow...) So, if you smoke once, you can be susceptible. The more you smoke, the greater your chances get. Hopefully you learn quick enough where your body has a better chance to heal or recover from the effects.
10 :
No one can answer your question specifically...although its a good question. The problem is genetics; environment; metabolism; etc. Everyone is different. What might affect a person in a very short time of smoking...may not affect another for decades.
11 :
Truth be known, it's a tough call. My Mother died of lung and esophageal cancer. She smoked for many years, but quit 11 years before lung cancer - the aggressive type - took over. Six months after she was diagnosed she died a horrible death, where she couldn't eat, drink, and she lived in pain. I'd say stay away from smoking anytime. My grandmother smoked for many years, developed cancer herself, but survived well past my mother's age. It's a tough call. Just don't smoke is my answer.
12 :
It you are susceptible to getting lung cancer then I reckon that you will get it regardless of how long you have smoked. THE best thing is not to start at all. NICOTINE is more addictive than heroine. LUNG cancer isn't the only problem caused by smoking. Gangrene is another one. The toes start to die and you end up requiring an amputation. SO if you are thinking of starting DONT
13 :
I don't think it's as cut and dry as a certain amount of years. You have to take into account the amount of cigarettes smoked, the age you started and you may even be lucky and never develop it. You can't just wait 22 years and then stop in the 21st year knowing you won't get it. You should probably also take into account the effect it has on other organs - such as the heart. I don't wish to preach but if you're worried about possible consequences and how long you can go getting away with it, it's probably best not to start at all.
14 :
Well, Lung Cancer is never guaranteed, even if you are a smoker. Statistics show that only 15% of Lung Cancer cases are smokers, so that means that 1. There is a good chance that you will not get it, and 2. Smokers comprise a minority of Lung cancer cases. However, many smokers get pneumonectasis, or emphysema, which is also potentially Fatal. I would definitely try to quit, Because smoking does awful things to the body, and there are trace amounts of over 2,000 toxins in a cigarette and it's smoke.
15 :
there is something (an enzyme possibly) that certain people carry that makes them predisposed to lung cancer if they smoke (that is it increases there chances of developing cancer) it also increases the risk of addiction to nicotine. so obviously these people are at greater risk, however the amount you smoke, the length of time you indulge in the habit and the way you smoke (inhaling deeply for example) all has a potential to increase your risk. SO DONT' START. take it from a smoker with a habit that is very hard too kick
16 :
Simple Answer: Every cigarette increases the chance of lung cancer from the very first one, If you are susceptible. Every cigarette you don't smoke reduces the chance but not as fast.
17 :
Zero. I know many people suffering from terminal lung cancer who've NEVER smoked. Then there are folks like George Burns who smoke their who lives and live into their ninety's. It's a toss up. Like everything else in this world it makes little sense. Though honestly my mom smoked for 25 years and quit 2 years ago. Her over all health did improve drastically so it really is bad for you.
18 :
Honestly there are alot of other factors my grandma died in her 60's,however my 52 year old stepfather has perfectly clear lungs,and they both smoked for much longer than me. I'm 35 and I've been smoking for 18 years and my lungs are well not too good, but I've had a lot of pneumonia and upper respiratory infections and I have COPD so there are alot of factors. Good luck
19 :
No hard fast answer to this one. If you or loved one smokes, QUIT.

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