Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is the youngest age you have seen ,at which a "non smoker" got lung cancer

What is the youngest age you have seen ,at which a "non smoker" got lung cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
My brothers best friend just got diagnosed with lung cancer and he does not smoke (but did for like 3 years).. but still isn't very long! He is 24! It's a scary thought! and very sad!
2 :
Theoretically, you can get lung cancer at any point in your life, it all depends on what kinds of cigarettes you smoke, and how often you smoke them. Even so, I haven't heard of anyone getting lung cancer until after they were in their 30s or so, and even that's rare, unless there is a family history of cancer. A non-smoker, however, is not likely to get lung cancer at all, unless they are constantly around someone else that smokes. Like the smoker, it all depends on the type of cigarette, and the frequency with which they are exposed to it. If the non-smoker was exposed to the person who got cancer at 30, I would still be surprised if they got lung cancer at all. Even if they did, it would be very minor, and would not occur until the person was in their 50s or 60s. That is just a guess mind you, but the point is that non-smokers are not usually subject to lung cancer...
3 :
Jesus. Just go to the doctor. How many times are you going to ask the same question?

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

My brother is dying with stage 4 lung cancer soon. what should I get him for Christmas

My brother is dying with stage 4 lung cancer soon. what should I get him for Christmas?
what does one buy for christmas for a dying man? I am stumped.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
oh my god that's so sad, im so sorrry. ask him what he wants that's the best thing u can do.
2 :
Peter, this is the time you buy something which is either sentimental or offers immediate fun, gratification, or other direct pleasure. A photo album filled with reprints of the whole family's pictures. A favorite food, a gift certificate for an excellent restaurant, a ride in a hot air balloon, a winter vacation everybody chips in on...
3 :
spend as much time with him as possible and do anything he asks of you and make him as comfy as you possibly can and take lots of pictures and tell him he wont be forgotten and that is the best gift you can give your brother in these, his last months. I am so sorry. take care of him and may his end be extremely peaceful knowing he is loved by you x
4 :
I am so sorry for your whole family. Now is the time to ask him what would you like? may a disney land, some family member he has not seen. What's wrong with Christmas in October? Call the whole family and have Christmas now. God bless you dear, you all are in my prayers
5 :
In addition to Maryn's suggestions, the Lung Cancer Online Support group I own and moderate found this Web site to be a good source for gifts:
6 :
Hi Peter F, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's diagnosis. However, all I can offer to you as advice is that you spend as much time with your brother as is physically possible. I'm only fourteen years old, but my dad died from lung cancer when i was nine. The one thing i regret most is that i was too young to fully understand- I wish I could have really said goodbye and been with him every second. Which is why I advise you to be with him every step of the way. Talk to him about anything and everthing. As difficult as it may be, think about anything you would want to say to your brother if he were to pass on. Besides that, I can only tell you to pray, and wish you luck.
7 :
Well, I'd say you could put a video together and allow him to talk to you thru the camera and take pics of him and with yourself and stuff like that? its a hard call, cause you honestly dont know how someone can live with cancer period.. my grandpa had cancer in both lungs he went thru all the chemo therapys for over a year and a half.. and they come in and said hes cured two days later he died.. but thats VA Hospital for you you know what I mean??? Best of luck and sorry of your loss..
8 :
What would be cool to have is something money cannot would be for myself a collection of pictures in a photo album. Of happier times in my life like birthday parties of relatives, or photo's of Christmas past. I would enjoy pictures of friends and family. It would be hard having a ton of albums so I would like just one that had a lot of meaning and memories. That would be a present I would want for my last Christmas.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

how can a person get lung cancer at age 21

how can a person get lung cancer at age 21?
I am sad i just found my friend passed away at 21 from lung cancer? I am very confused I thought u couldnt get lung cancer till you were older
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
heavy chain smoking since a kid
2 :
I'm so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, cancer is the enemy of all, regardless of age, health, habits, sex, race, religion, whatever. It doesn't care who you are. If you are human, you are a target. And the hard part is trying to understand. Some questions will never be answered. My prayers are with you. Blessings
3 :
You can get lung cancer at any time even when you are a non smoker. Cancer cannot be stopped, but it can be prevented. If you smoke then theres a chance for you to get lung cancer. I think it can be caused from genetics too.
4 :
Remember that a thing like cancer isn't confined to the elderly. It strikes with reckless abandon. Additionally, lung cancer isn't even reserved for smokers. The great actor Andy Kaufman was a non-smoker who died of lung cancer. My sympathies for the loss of your friend.
5 :
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer doesn't really chose an age range to go after though.We are all susceptible.
6 :
Tobacco smoke, asbestos, radon gas, or viruses are the most common.
7 :
peoples bodies react differently, I have a friend that's dying of throat cancer,he's 20 years old.
8 :
cancer strikes at any age. i am going in for a CT scan of my chest in 2 weeks. i am 21 and my doctor recently found spots in my lungs on a chest x-ray.
9 :
The medical community, in general, has done a good job alerting older people about the dangers of cancer, the risks, and what symptoms they may have. Unfortunately, young people have interpreted this to mean that only old people get cancer. This is not true. Any age person, even a new born infant can get cancer. Despite all the hype about the environment and lifestyle choices being the 'cause of cancer' . . the truth is that only a handful of cancers may place someone at risk . . in truth no one knows what causes the over 200 different types of cancer. There is not one risk or 'cause' that anyone can point to and say with absolute certainty that a person will get cancer if they are exposed. The reason that I can say that is that not everyone who is exposed to carcinogens gets cancer. Not everyone who has a risky lifestyle will get cancer. And, despite the common thinking you can still get cancer even if you are a non-smoker, avoid carcinogens, diet, exercise, and live a healthy lifestyle. If the world was as toxic as some would have you think than everyone would have cancer . . but everyone does not have cancer even when heavily exposed to the same enviroments. So, cancer is far more random than anyone will admit. Teens and young adults tend to get cancers that are associated with hormones or growth spurts thus they can have bone cancers or muscle and tendon sarcomas more than adults. They can also develop leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, and germ cell tumors. Lung cancer is an unusual cancer for a young person but it can happen, especially if this was a secondary cancer (spread from elsewhere). I am very sorry for the loss of your friend. Young adults with cancer is one of the most under reported diseases. It is rare and no one, not even a doctor suspects that a healthy looking young adult might have cancer. Cancer is asymptomatic in the early stages and because the young are relatively healthy and strong can go many more days and months with cancer than older people. By the time the young person or his doctor realize that cancer is present . . the cancer is very advanced. That is why so many young people are dying. One of the most important symptoms or really just about the only early symptom is a lump or bump anywhere on the body that just isn't going away. If it grows at all than it should be checked immediately. Far too many young people dismiss a lump because it 'doesn't hurt' . . . what they don't realize is that tumors rarely hurt unless they are large enough to press on nerves or are growing into tissue or bone. Just in the last few years the oncological community has recognized the problems associated with adolescents and young adults being the 'forgotten' members of the cancer community. More and more you can find the major cancer centers offering cancer programs specific to teens and young adults. Teen and young adult cancers are different than a childs and different than an older adult and need to be treated differently. Juvenile cancer: improving care for adolescents and young adults within the frame of medical oncology

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Is it common among teenagers that smoke cigarettes to get lung cancer

Is it common among teenagers that smoke cigarettes to get lung cancer?

Cancer - 16 Answers
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1 :
no, but smoking still's uncool!
2 :
it is rare for teenagers to get lung cancer, but if they keep smoking, their chances of getting lung cancer are much higher than their friends who never smoked.
3 :
Anyone who smokes or is around second hand smoke can get lung cancer. Smoking is Russian Roulette with your health.
4 :
No Lung cancer is from long term smoking Dont Smoke its nasty
5 :
if they continue to smoke the will get lung cancer by the time their about 30+
6 :
regardless how old you are you have the chance to suffer cancer, mind you its not good on teenagers and i read somewhere that nicotine makes teenagers feel as though they are 2 years older that they are (a brain function)
7 :
there is always a possibility to get lung cancer from smoking.....but why teens do it?idk cuz its not cool.....
8 :
im 17 and i smoke ciggs...yesss i know its bad for me but i just got into a bad party habbit. But most likely...if you start smoking when your young you will get lung cancer sooner. STOP! I'm trying to stop now.
9 :
Honey, cancer is a very strange thing. Some people are more susceptible to it than others, so it's very hard to say. Some people smoke until they're in their 90s and die from natural causes, while others get lung cancer and never touch a cigarette. So you never know... It's best not to start because it's a VERY HARD habit to break. I started smoking at 17 and smoked for 20 years before I quit and it was tough! And besides, smoking prematurely ages some people so they look haggard.
10 :
I have smoked for 34 years. I started when I was 13 and last month I went for my yearly checkup and the radiologist said my chest x-rays were clear and he was surprised to find out I have been smoking for so many years. My doctor said my lungs sound very clear. No problems here. I would think if a teenager has lung cancer, smoking cigarettes is not the cause.
11 :
NO....but u will be ADDICTED....till an age where you can get lung cancer...for every individual it's different...but younger ages are becoming more common.....if you've already started...try to stop....and then imagine how hard it will be to stop after 10, 20, 40 was the HARDEST thing I ever did....I STILL crave it.....good luck....just stay away if you can!
12 :
Common...I'm not sure, however different bodies react to smoking in different ways. For an example my aunt has smoked for 50+ years and has never had lung cancer or even a scare, but I know for a fact there have been other people who have only smoked for a few years and end up with lung cancer. So why take the chance? I hope you are smart enough to stay away!! Cheers to you!
13 :
Very rare for a teenager to get lung cancer, if they started smoking as a teen then if they were going to get cancer it would more than likely be in their 40's, 50's or 60's.
14 :
No one really knows the true answer to this, but some scientists do think so... "Recent studies at the molecular and cellular levels are consistent with this, now suggesting that early exposure enhances DNA damage and is associated with the induction of DNA alterations in specific chromosomal regions. ... carcinogens can induce fields of genetic alterations that make the early smoker more susceptible to the damaging effects of continued smoking."
15 :
No, but you might well get lung cancer or cancer of the throat when you get older because of smoking earlier in life.
16 :
I doubt if a teenager has EVER gotten cancer from smoking. If teens get cancer, then it is almost always either genetics or from severe radiation. It takes decades and a couple of hundred thousand cigarettes to get lung cancer, so you would need to start chainsmoking as a toddler to get lung cancer as a teen. Enjoy yourself!

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

my 11yr old darling staffie has just been diagnosed with lung cancer

my 11yr old darling staffie has just been diagnosed with lung cancer?
At the moment he only coughs occasionally , upon waking in the morn or when excited. I want to know what to expect re his illness, and how it will effect him . Also , how fast does this disease grow? I am devastated , he is my best friend and goes everywhere with me.. i can't imagine my life without him.Anyone experienced this with their dogs?
Dogs - 3 Answers
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1 :
I am so sorry this has happened! I really have nothing to say that could help answer your questions, I just wanted to let you know that you and your baby will be in my prayers. : )
2 :
I have an 11 yr old pug who was diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of the lungs). Now I don't know if its anything like lung cancer, but overall he has deteriorated pretty quickly....He was diagnosed late last summer, and he is just now getting to the point to where we are going to have him put to as far as I would say, you may havea little bit longer, but not much. and If lung cancer in dogs is anything like lung cancer in humans, Its goign to happen fast, depending on the type of spreading is what you have to worry about
3 :
How awful. My dog had bladder cancer and it took about 5 months before she had to be put down. You will know when the time has don't want her to suffer as lung cancer is very painful..not to mention your dog struggling to breath. My heart goes out to you. God Bless.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

What do you say to someone who has just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer

What do you say to someone who has just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer ?

Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
tell them to live life to its fullist,they know they are going to die,just chat as normal.their is no set way of doing it
2 :
You give them alternatives, like DHEA, Serratia Peptidase, Graviola, for more information go to
3 :
It depends on how close you are to them and how much treatment that they have already had. People use the word 'terminal' indiscriminately here. So it really depends where this person is as far as treatment or no treatment is concerned. If a patient is still in treatment than calling his disease 'terminal' is a little premature. If the patient has exhausted all treatment options and has had progression of disease . . than you really do not need to say anything to him or her. Just going to visit and spend time with this person is all that is needed at this point in time. Otherwise visit, talk about anything you desire, let him know how you feel about him, and than just enjoy his company. People really do not need to talk about how sorry they are . . the person already knows that. So, just enjoy their company.
4 :
THIS IS VERY DIFFICULT,my brother died of this after having throat cancer and it then spread to his lungs wedidnt tell him the extent of his illness,(he was only 37 wen he died),but i and my sisters spent all our time with him just to be in his company was all he wanted he didnt last long after it went to the lungs and we miss him so much
5 :
There is nothing you can say,however you can be there for them,by being an advocate at the hospital and doing what you can to help them to be comfortable,there are no magic perfect words,however just showing love and giving comfort and a shoulder can mean alot.Support there decisions,and remember its there life". ...Cancer pisses me off...
6 :
what can you say?? just go there, spend some quality time with that person, maybe something you once did together? take for a trip out wherever, he wishes to go that day, just act in a normal way!! no airs just plain lets just enjoy the day together!! had a lot of friends that, just wanted it that way!! to get a mental picture to look at, when too ill to go out, so just do something that is memorable for that person!!
7 :
i tell him that he has a terminal lung cancer, and we'll try to stop its progression. But I think, all depend on age, other associated disease,.....
8 :
I love you.
9 :
You have used the words"Just Diagnosed" and "Terminal". Is this person's Dr. CERTAIN that this person is terminal? I am not trying to be rude. Last year in January (2006), I was diagnosed as "Terminal". A thoracic surgeon removed my right lung. An Oncologist sent me through 12 weeks of chemo. I have been undergoing scans every three months. My body is showing no sign of the disease. I no longer need oxygen either. I have returned to work and am living a normal life. I was given lots of encouragement throughout the ordeal by friends and family. I was exposed to lots of humor. My spirits were lifted and pain lessened. My primary care physician believes that my positive attitude has played a strong role in my recovery. I have learned that the body can amaze you. Do not allow depression and fear to dominate your interactions with this person. If they stand a chance to recover, you could be a huge part of it. If the cancer truly is advanced to the point where nothing else can be done, you can still be a joy and welcome part of the rest of their life by just being yourself and not being afraid to share happy memories and laughter.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Does blood in sputum always suggest lung cancer

Does blood in sputum always suggest lung cancer?
I cough up every morning yelllow phlegm yuk! with spots of blood. However, I also have a crusty nose with blood as well, so I am thinking it is coming from the nose?
Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
no i have it to and i have an infection in my left lung, you must be like me 'expect the worst that way if its anything else its a bonus) ive even put vasline up my nose cuz its so sore
2 :
It is not necessarily lung cancer but will you please get to a doctor now? Â
3 :
It may be nothinhg but I think that you better get to a doctor and find out for sure.
4 :
No, but it does usually indicate some sort of infection. Get to a doctor ASAP

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