Monday, August 20, 2012

What element on the Periodic Table causes lung cancer

What element on the Periodic Table causes lung cancer?

Chemistry - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Possibly chlorine.
2 :
There are plenty. Inhale some radium dust, and you'll almost certainly get lung cancer. Inhale radioactive radon, and you'll increase your likelihood of developing lung cancer.
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4 :
Anything that emits alpha particles. Uranium, radium, plutonium are examples. Tritium (Isotope of Hydrogen) is a real killer, probably the worse possible.
5 :
im not sure bout the lung cancer but i dont think uranium could be very good for you.
6 :
Several, notably those associated with radioactivity. Radon, Radium, and Plutonium are all known and toxic elements. Plutonium used to be the most toxic known substance, with a tiny speck being certain of causing cancer. Asbestos has several chemical forms, mostly including Silicon and Oxygen, together with Hydroxides(one Hydrogen atom, one Oxygen). It is associated with lung cancer, and is responsible for many lawsuits associated with the industries where it is used. If you are looking for a single answer here, you might want to check your book to see what exactly your question is asking. Other than that, I would answer Radon first, then Plutonium, since even though plutonium is more dangerous, Radon is more "popular" in news right now.

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