Sunday, August 12, 2012

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
90 in men and 80 in women.
2 :
I dont know, but just to interject.... Even if you never get cancer, if you are exposed to enough smoke of ANY kind (not just cig, ANY kind) you WILL get copd. Also, lung cancer isnt the only type of cancer the smoker needs to worry about. Infact, I believe smoking can be linked to every type of cancer, including mine which is leukemia. You also dont have to be old, I was diagnosed at 21 and relapsed at 23. My family smoked around me all my life and I started smoking at 13. Finally quit this past Spring after my relapse. I am now 24, my docs are 90% pos that the benzene in cigs is what caused my cancer, and I have missed out on the last 3 years of my life, the time I was supposed to be finishing school and starting my career and making life long friends and starting a family because I felt the need to look cool infront of some older people 10 years ago. I am now a full supporter of all anti smoking laws, and kinda was actually before I finally quit, as well as an avid supporter of smoking/tobacco education.

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