Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lung cancer-- pregnant lady - alternative treatment

Lung cancer-- pregnant lady - alternative treatment?
A friend of mine is 6 months pregnant (in late 20's) and has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is not into smoking or drinking. Right now because of her pregnancy we are desperately looking for alternative treatments preferably in california. Any ideas, tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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Your friend is extraordinarily young for lung cancer - most cases occur in people over 60, it's rarely diagnosed in people under 40 and there are only about 5 cases a year of someone under 35 diagnosed with lung cancer. For this and for so many other reasons she should be taking the advice of her medical team. No, there are no alternative treatments that are effective against cancer; 'alternative' in this context is another word for 'unproven'. You may get answers here from people with pet theories about treating cancer with alternatives, but you can be 100% sure that not one of them will have treated their own cancer with the alternative they recommend, nor will they personally know anyone who has. Ask them. And some of the 'alternative cancer treatments' that are recommended by regulars on this board are not only ineffective against cancer, but are potentially dangerous. At the very least your friend should do a search on this site for information about any particular 'alternative' that interests her before investing hope, money and (most dangerous of all) time in unproven, ineffective and sometimes dangerous 'treatments' and risking her own life and that of her child

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