Friday, July 24, 2009

What will Obama tell America if he gets lung cancer from his cigarette smoking

What will Obama tell America if he gets lung cancer from his cigarette smoking?
Will he say he knew it was stupid to smoke but did it anyway? Kind of like many of his policies that he is promoting?
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Everybody say it together now... IT'S BUSH'S FAULT!
2 :
"I had to smoke all the leftover cigs from the previous administration!"
3 :
Obama will probably not say it was stupid as much as you would expect him to. Remember that cigarettes make a lot of money to the US Government and for barack obama to say that is just going to make his government look bad. He would probably say i made a choice it cost me dearly and i recommend to people who have not started don't unless you can handle it and to the people who do it he would say try to smoke less. He would inform the public in a smart way which doesn't put anyone to fault it would just show the decision he made and whats his reaction or recommendation to it. indirectly he would be saying no but only if you can understand it.
4 :
I would understand if he said "Michelle drove me to smoke so much".

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