Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer?

Medicine - 3 Answers
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all of them
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I would guess that at least 45% I quit, but great odds, are not in the smoker's favor. I've seen people smoke until they die in their 80's and 90's. On the other hand I've seen them die from cancer as early as 45
3 :
Ten percent get lung cancer. A much higher percentage get emphysema. This is an irreversible disease. This results in slow suffocation lasting many years, becoming increasingly oxygen dependent and ending in heart failure.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Websites to access full journals relating to lung cancer

Websites to access full journals relating to lung cancer?
I have an athens password but I 've no idea where to access journals can someone point me in the right direction
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Try PubMed to search for specific topics, or something like Clinical Lung Cancer to start with (check commonly referenced journals for where to go next).

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Monday, August 20, 2012

What element on the Periodic Table causes lung cancer

What element on the Periodic Table causes lung cancer?

Chemistry - 6 Answers
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Possibly chlorine.
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There are plenty. Inhale some radium dust, and you'll almost certainly get lung cancer. Inhale radioactive radon, and you'll increase your likelihood of developing lung cancer.
3 :
Radon http://www.radonseal.com/radon-health.htm
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Anything that emits alpha particles. Uranium, radium, plutonium are examples. Tritium (Isotope of Hydrogen) is a real killer, probably the worse possible.
5 :
im not sure bout the lung cancer but i dont think uranium could be very good for you.
6 :
Several, notably those associated with radioactivity. Radon, Radium, and Plutonium are all known and toxic elements. Plutonium used to be the most toxic known substance, with a tiny speck being certain of causing cancer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbestos Asbestos has several chemical forms, mostly including Silicon and Oxygen, together with Hydroxides(one Hydrogen atom, one Oxygen). It is associated with lung cancer, and is responsible for many lawsuits associated with the industries where it is used. If you are looking for a single answer here, you might want to check your book to see what exactly your question is asking. Other than that, I would answer Radon first, then Plutonium, since even though plutonium is more dangerous, Radon is more "popular" in news right now.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do you feel sorry for someone with lung cancer from smoking

Do you feel sorry for someone with lung cancer from smoking?
I kind of do, but then again, that's why you shouldn't smoke...
Polls & Surveys - 10 Answers
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They shouldn't have smoked in the first place.
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Kinda. They should know they have it coming.
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well coming from a smoker ,, i feel for anyone who has cancer,, but you need to remember older people didn't know the harms back then,, Peace
4 :
No, i don't actaully!!
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You have to be a very callous person not to feel sorry for someone with cancer, smoking is an addiction you know. So you don't like being called callous, I wonder about some people, it is almost as if they want people to die because they smoke.
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I Absolutely do NOT. It is 100% self inflicted and it is ALL their fault, they only have themselves to blame
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yes i do
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no i empathize but i don't sympathize
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no its coo
10 :
.only if they're vegetarian

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer

What percentage of long term smokers get lung cancer?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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90 in men and 80 in women.
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I dont know, but just to interject.... Even if you never get cancer, if you are exposed to enough smoke of ANY kind (not just cig, ANY kind) you WILL get copd. Also, lung cancer isnt the only type of cancer the smoker needs to worry about. Infact, I believe smoking can be linked to every type of cancer, including mine which is leukemia. You also dont have to be old, I was diagnosed at 21 and relapsed at 23. My family smoked around me all my life and I started smoking at 13. Finally quit this past Spring after my relapse. I am now 24, my docs are 90% pos that the benzene in cigs is what caused my cancer, and I have missed out on the last 3 years of my life, the time I was supposed to be finishing school and starting my career and making life long friends and starting a family because I felt the need to look cool infront of some older people 10 years ago. I am now a full supporter of all anti smoking laws, and kinda was actually before I finally quit, as well as an avid supporter of smoking/tobacco education.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lung cancer-- pregnant lady - alternative treatment

Lung cancer-- pregnant lady - alternative treatment?
A friend of mine is 6 months pregnant (in late 20's) and has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is not into smoking or drinking. Right now because of her pregnancy we are desperately looking for alternative treatments preferably in california. Any ideas, tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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Your friend is extraordinarily young for lung cancer - most cases occur in people over 60, it's rarely diagnosed in people under 40 and there are only about 5 cases a year of someone under 35 diagnosed with lung cancer. For this and for so many other reasons she should be taking the advice of her medical team. No, there are no alternative treatments that are effective against cancer; 'alternative' in this context is another word for 'unproven'. You may get answers here from people with pet theories about treating cancer with alternatives, but you can be 100% sure that not one of them will have treated their own cancer with the alternative they recommend, nor will they personally know anyone who has. Ask them. And some of the 'alternative cancer treatments' that are recommended by regulars on this board are not only ineffective against cancer, but are potentially dangerous. At the very least your friend should do a search on this site for information about any particular 'alternative' that interests her before investing hope, money and (most dangerous of all) time in unproven, ineffective and sometimes dangerous 'treatments' and risking her own life and that of her child http://www.quackwatch.org/

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is the Spanish song about the elephant who gets AIDS and cirroshis and lung cancer and dies

What is the Spanish song about the elephant who gets AIDS and cirroshis and lung cancer and dies?

Languages - 4 Answers
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I've heard a song about a mammoth. http://www.manicomic.com/539/la-cancion-del-mamut
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the song is " el mamut" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz2K5OO-IVE
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Yes, the name is 'El Mamut'. I have seen 'Banda Lamento Show' sing this song! It is hilarious. And the way they dress makes it even better!
4 :
Is a song of mamut chiquitito http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_nhPyT__jk little mamooth

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

how long does it take to get lung cancer

how long does it take to get lung cancer?
i know i sound a little paranoid, but ive only smoked 3 packs of cigarettes but i am on the drug accutane and that makes it twice as possible to get cancer. my grandpa used to smoke like a chimney and hes still alive, but he never took acutane haha. anyways just let me know what you think
Other - Health - 2 Answers
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if you can hold your breath for a minute and a half, you'll be ok
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smoke weed

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