Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What and how do you tell a 7 and 9 yr old their beloved grammy has just been diagnosed w/lung cancer

What and how do you tell a 7 and 9 yr old their beloved grammy has just been diagnosed w/lung cancer?
They are aware of her previous bout w/breast cancer..and my daughter is trying to find the words to tell to tell them,etc.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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If they knew about it before, then what's the big deal? You tell them she's sick again. It's not like thay can't deal with it!
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Hi 7 and 9 year olds are pretty comprehensive of things. It is best to tell them the truth about how grammy has a disease that has invaded or taken over her lungs. Tell them it is a disease that is a bad one, but that grammy will fight it the best she can and will always love them no matter what. You can go into some depth with them about the disease and the future. But the truth is always the best for children. They hate to be lied to. Be sure to tell them that mommy will be with them and help them no matter what and that mommy will help grammy as much as possible too. I hope this helps it is so hard and God Bless You All in your struggle.
3 :
If grammy is a loveing person then I think she should tell them. If it is not fesable then just sit with them on lap and tell them. 7 and 9 are very intellagent and will get it, they also will be able to express their feelings openly and ask the questions they want to. Start with grammy is very sick in her lungs, then let them ask questions. keep it going so they ask questions until they get to the will she die question and they will. Let them know that it is very possable that she will and that is why we want to make the most out of her time now. We enjoy things as much as we can while they are here and when we are gone we thank them for spending time with us. this works for plants fish and people. Kids feel better when they get to ask what might happen to some one they love then being told that this is what is going to happen. Telling the news is hard but the next few months could be even harder. Practice with the kids saying good bye. This is harsh but get a gold fish or a plant and let it die. Don't say why it happened just say that some times it just does, and ask them how they want to say good bye. talks about heaven and hell and what happens next usually comes later in the following weeks. When you break news to kids, not all questions have to be addressed right then. leave the door open to them to talk about grammies illness, dieing, and death at all times. If they don't bring it up touch base with them about once a week to give them a chance to talk. Good luck and all my best to all of you.
4 :
If they already know about her previous bout with cancer, then just tell them that Grammy has cancer again, and so she is going to have to fight it again. Remind them of how sick she was through her treatments and tell them that she will be sick again, but that the Dr's are working to make her better. Remind them that the medicine for cancer makes people feel tired, sick and might make her loose her hair, but she is still Grammy who loves them very much. There is no need to talk aboout saying good-bye unless you get told her cancer is untreatable, and even then, not until it is obvious that she hasn't got long to go.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lung cancer and the vitamin B12 relation

Lung cancer and the vitamin B12 relation?
Hi dear please tell me complete and integrate information about lung cancer and vitamin b12 relationship. i wanna know the consume vitamin b12 is harmful for a patiention lung cancer or this is harmless.! The B12 can helpful as prevention for a smoking man ? if you have and possible please send to me new research and documention about them and approved by expert's . I owe you if help me. thank you. bye.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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I'm not an expert on this. But see all my references in my post in this forum titled "What is the cure for breast cancer?." That's,, and others.
2 :
Do the research yourself. Go here. Type in lung cancer & vitamin B12 in the Search box and hit GO and then you can read the available medical literature on this or any other medical subject.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Can chalk dust cause a teacher to develop lung cancer

Can chalk dust cause a teacher to develop lung cancer?
A teacher has been diagnosed with respiratory cancer even though the person has never smoked or been around persons who smoke or polluted environments.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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No.. Chalk is completely inert. Meaning, there is nothing in it that can cause a respiratory issues.. Chances are that she has a genetic propensity towards developing it...
2 :
hm you say has never been around a polluted environment? does this teacher never go outside or work in a building? if so they do live in a polluted environment, or never driven a car, rode a bus, or other means of transportation? never been near a factory, or other high polluting business? has never drank from a city water supply? Smoking is not the only thing that causes lung cancer. Even clearing off a person's car in the winter while the vehicle is running is pollution and very dangerous to the person. Chalk dust is probably the lowest possible cause, considering there are pollutants in the heating and cooling system of the individuals home and the school they work in.
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nope. im at a gymnastics gym and constantly inhaling chalk constantly and im fine, and even if it was harmful to teachers they use expo markers now
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No. Chalk is made of either calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate which have no evidence of causing cancer. You can look up the MSDS for almost any chemical or Commercial product to see potential hazards. There is a small percentage of lung cancer cases that did not smoke (approx 20%). The most famous being Christopher Reeves' wife. You can learn more about cancers and their causes at links below.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

What is the best organization to donate to for heart and lung cancer research

What is the best organization to donate to for heart and lung cancer research?
I know there are many, but which ones actually get the most "bang for their buck," so to speak. Organizations actually doing the research, not just educating the public.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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American cancer society
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Deborah Heart and Lung Center. They do incredible work, and they don't charge people for the work if the people can't pay. They are pioneers in the research and implementing of new techniques and treatments, and they don't bow to insurance and pharmaceutical companies. They do what needs to be done, and I wouldn't have a brother if it wasn't for them.
3 :
City of Hope has one of the best records for spending donations on actual research and cure. They work with almost all life-threatening illnesses, and believe in curing not just the body, but the soul as well (through programs like their "Positive Imaging" centers). They are starting to get more well-known now, but have been around for almost 100 years! The reason a lot of people haven't heard about City of Hope is because they don't spend much of their budget on PR and Advertising. Check them out. I haven't been active in an actual chapter in quite some time, but it used to be something like 87 cents out of every dollar collected went directly to the actual charity instead of paying some (already rich) director hundred of thousands of dollars.
4 :
Huntsman cancer institute located in Salt Lake City, Utah. You'll have to do a google search for the website and donor info.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

What does it feel like when you have lung cancer

What does it feel like when you have lung cancer?
I'm coughing up gunk galore and my throat always tickles and when I cough it hurts in the lungs. I live next door to a cement plant. Breathing that cement dust day in day out for 9 long years. Everyone in my neighborhood is sick and dying. I used to smoke 4 packs a day but I quit in June 1st 2003. So I am getting the double whammy. Thank you!
Cancer - 2 Answers
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looks like you are in trouble get checked if its cancer it must be treated in a early stage, even if its some thing else its deadly
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Your symptoms can match many different things. The fact that you smoked 4 packs a day is outrageous to me, but it doesnt mean you have cancer either. You should however get checked-out soon.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

What pain is expected without treatment of lung cancer

What pain is expected without treatment of lung cancer?
My 84 year old Mom has Stage 1B NSCLC in lower right lobe. It's 3.8 x 3.1 cm. She takes high blood pressure medication but otherwise is healthy. Without treatment, what can we expect?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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She may expect chest pain, and maybe pain of the throat. There is still hope. Visit a Christian crusade or United Pentecostal Church ( and ask the pastors to pray for her, if it is possible to transport her to the venue. There is healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Miracles are still possible. Discuss with the doctor the best way of treatment. You may like to seek second opinion. Life expectancy may be a few months to a few years. There are also survivors of cancer. I am sorry you are going through all these. God bless you. Pray for her, if you believe.
2 :
If she doesn't get treatment it will get worse, how fast or slow is indiviually dependent. She will most likely have increased shortness of breath and possibly chest pain as the cancer worsens. If she doesn't want to do surgery, she could still do chemo, my grandmother, who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at 82 she went through chemo and radiation instead of surgery. It's not as harsh as it used to be and she was able to tolerate it pretty well. Her plan was always as long as she could stand the therapy and it was keeping her cancer at bay she would continue. She had a great two and a half years to spend with all of us before she passed away. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis, and as a former primary caregive I can say she will need her family around her as much as possible. Good luck to your mom and yourself and your whole family I pray you have years left instead of months, and when she does pass that it is swift and as painless as possible.
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she may experience chest pain during the last stages. And problem with breathing. There is still hope with the cancer center of USA. Where they treat cancer with body mind and spirit. Pray is very powerful. If this was my mom I would attend ever healing service I read about. You'll all be in my personal prayer. Never forget God is always with you. Ps. 23 God blessing to you all.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

How can you tell if someone has lung cancer

How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?
Im asking for my father. Im 13 hes 49, i'm really scared for him; i just thought of it now. Hes been smoking since age 15; he just coughs; he doesnt really complain about pain or anything. But it has been brought to my attention; can he have it? I don't want to bring it up to him; he doesn't have a doctor, so we cant really tell by that. I'm just scared i don't want to lose him.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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It is something that has to be diagnosed by a doctor. We do not usually know until cancer markers, scans or chest x-rays show something untoward. He could have something like asthma or emphysema right now, but there is always the chance that it could progress to cancer if he continues irritating his lungs with smoke. Share your concern with him and encourage him to find a general practitioner; general practitioners cannot only refer to specialists if they think something is amiss, but they can also help your father stop smoking.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

which is the best lung cancer center in michigan

which is the best lung cancer center in michigan?
I need to pick a cancer center in the Michigan area. Everyone is trying to get me to go to Karmanos but I was thinking Henry Ford.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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Try to see if what you really need, then consider what they can offer. Weigh the every factor that is involved.
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HI, I'm from Michigan and I know that both are very good hospitals. My suggestion would be to see a specialist from both. That way you can see what each center is like, what resources they offer, and how you like their doctors. Everyone is not going to the center with you, you need to go where you feel the most comfortable. Good luck.
3 :
Both are very good. I know when we send people out for treatment beyond our scope in lansing we send then to either ann arbor (u of m) or henry ford. I have heard alot of good about karmanos though. Go with the place you like best
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I hope You get well soon.. I'm doing my best to help every1 to cure their illness including you.. with my Islam Prayers.. You don`t have to vote me for the best answer.. im doing this for free.. I only hopping we all get bless & Cure from Allah the most Mercyfull..& Most Loving.. See the improvement result..

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