Sunday, December 28, 2008

can breathing in smoke from a fire cause lung cancer

can breathing in smoke from a fire cause lung cancer?
I have been sitting at a campfire for three days now. Yesterday i breathed in quite a bit of smoke, it made me a bit uncomfortable and enough to have a heavy bitter sensation in my mouth. Do you think it might cause lung problems? I sit for about an hour and it has only been for these three days. Will it have an effect on my long term lung health? I am not a smoker.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Check what you burn there. If you are not burning old tyres or melting some metals then you are fine.
2 :
It CAN but i am pretty sure it would take a larger consumption of smoke to cause lung cancer

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How much will a health insurance policy cost under Obamacare if you have pre-existing Lung Cancer

How much will a health insurance policy cost under Obamacare if you have pre-existing Lung Cancer?
Actuarial science suggests about $350,000 a year--great reform, isn't it?
Politics - 11 Answers
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1 :
Are you serious? So that person won't get care- I guess the American Cancer Treatment Centers will be Destroyed by Obamacare as well.
2 :
Yes. $350k per year. $100k goes for the health care - the other $250 pays the bureaucrats to pass your claim from one department to another.
3 :
At least they will now be able to get a policy. Before HCR, they would have been laughed at by an insurance company.
4 :
People can purchase insurance from an exchange. It is up to the policy they buy. Why am I getting that YA cons have no idea what is going on?
5 :
Do you really think Obamacare will authorize treatment for lung cancer. Not.....I am sure he will pass out some obama pain pills and show them to the euthanasia rooms. Edit-Anyone can buy health ins through their state for high risk patients insurance. It is expensive but it is available. Law girl- you should know that.
6 :
That is an utter and complete lie.\ If you have pre existing lung cancer you will be able to get care. PERIOD. Why are YOU worried about the cost, I AM WORRIED ABOUT THE LIFE for it could be a coal miner, or a person whom was forced to work around second hand smoke in the 70's or it just could be heredetary. How sick has this debate begun. It is MONEY OVER LIFE. That sounds republican? just askin
7 :
That may be true. It is really no different than now. Now, the previous plan had caps and a public option that would have helped this person, but that was thrown out as ridiculous.
8 :
At least as much as it does now.. there is no saving or anything cheaper happening. They watered this bill down so much that al it is doing now is to allow insurance companies to cover more and the government will pick up the tab... nice huh.. and you know where the government gets its money.. from us. So we are just going to be paying and paying and paying! And now we get to pay for not only ourselves but all the deadbeats and welfare lazies and illegals too. Thanks Barry!
9 :
The question is, does the federal government have the power to fund a health care system? The answer is NO. The constitution of the U.S. does not allow the funding of this monstrosity. Read the enumerated powers of the congress in the constitution.
10 :
very good question, i smoke and lung cancer is always in the back of my mind.
11 :
The cost for Obama Care will be the same. However, don't expect any treatment. In socialized medicine, you end up on a list and by the time you reach the top, you will be deemed too sick for any treatment. That is how socialized medicine saves money by denying healthcare.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

I want to Start a Fundraising organization for lung cancer but how do i start it

I want to Start a Fundraising organization for lung cancer but how do i start it?
i need a list of what to do to get my organization in the works. do i need to do legal stuff? HELP!@
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
Usually, yes you do need some legal work done if you want to set yourself up as a recognized nonprofit. Many larger donors also want the tax deduction and you'll need to be a nonprofit to do that. Here's a place to start your research: Good Luck

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What will Obama tell America if he gets lung cancer from his cigarette smoking

What will Obama tell America if he gets lung cancer from his cigarette smoking?
Will he say he knew it was stupid to smoke but did it anyway? Kind of like many of his policies that he is promoting?
Politics - 7 Answers
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1 :
He will say "whitey" did it and then demand reperations. Then he will decide to blame native americans and have all reservations raided.
2 :
He'd spin it, but he'd have the best health care available, unlike the crap he is pushing on us.
3 :
It's Bush's fault.
4 :
He'll blame Bush
5 :
"Get out of the way!"
6 :
It'll go something like this... "(Cough... Gasp) I screwed up (Cough... Gasp).
7 :
Yes. Unlike George Bush (Whose wife is a smoker) Obama will admit he made a mistake.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

New or experimental treatments for lung cancer

New or experimental treatments for lung cancer?
A loved one to whom I am extremely close to, was diagnosed a few days ago with Stage IV Adenocarcinoma of the lung and it is mestastic. She is willing to try any experimental drugs or therapy or any hollistic type of treatment. Does anyone have any information about these types of treatment or a website where we can research information about what is available? Thanks.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Here are some links...she could try clinical trials.. Lung Cancer links (clinical trials for lung cancer..hit map tab for local trials) (lung cancer clinical trials) (CDC lung cancer links) (medline plus lung cancer links) (clinical trials frequently asked questions) (basics of cancer clinical trials (need powerpoint) (cancer clinical trials in depth (need powerpoint) (medicine assistance) (copay assistance for lung cancer) Nutrition and Support for cancer patients (nutrition for cancer patients) (supporting cancer patients) 3 books on disease symptoms and treatments you could also get these books on ebay or amazon or a half price book store. (last two are very similar).. 1.Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 2.Handbook of Diseases (Lippencott) 3.Professional Guide to Diseases (Springhouse)
2 :
She can demand this cancer to leave her body! Source:

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Monday, December 8, 2008

How many people get lung cancer from smoking each year

How many people get lung cancer from smoking each year?
Doing a school project, and I can't seem to find this anywhere. Just need an estimate, thanks. [:
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
This might help....

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

My friend has just been diagnosed with lung cancer? What questions do we ask when we talk to the oncologist

My friend has just been diagnosed with lung cancer? What questions do we ask when we talk to the oncologist?
What type of questions do we ask the oncologist? Never had to do this before.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong web site has recommendations to ask each type of doctor at each stage of the cancer battle.
2 :
You can go to to develop a customized treatment plan and get good info to take to the doctor with you. "Use these FREE interactive decision support tools to answer the question “What does the clinical information mean to me?� You will receive a personalized treatment options report tailored to your diagnosis. Your report will provide the pros and cons of each treatment, side effects, questions to ask your physician, plus access to relevant summaries of clinical studies. "
3 :
Not sure what country you are from but in general and for the UK in particular.... Please see info at It will give ideas on what you need to know about your friends cancer and treatment/s and questions to ask - you can order it as a free booklet also. Also for info and support If you have not met them ask if there is Specialist Nurse (preferably in Lung Cancer) to talk to. Links to these on the Roy Castle Site too. I hope this helps.
4 :
Ask about central line placement. Ask about what type of treatment and specific drug names so that you can look them up and become educated about it. Ask about special diets, for example during treatment the patient will most certainly be on a neutropenic diet. Ask about infection risks specifically pertaining to what will be going on with blood counts and what neutropenia means. Ask about the expected side effects, the possible side effects and the rare unexpected side effects. Ask about what medicines will best treat the side effects. Ask about the use of thc (real mj or the legal synthetic alt marinol.. also ask about natural treatments of the side effects rather than narcotics). Ask about breathing and the use of o2. Ask about things that need to be done around the house what the patient will be expected to need help with. Ask about the negative possibilities and negative prognosis (not really what you want to focus on, but it needs to be known). Get referrals to a psychologist or other medical professional. Ask if their are other local patients that would be willing to talk or meet with you as well as local support groups. Anti depressants may want to be considered especially for the patient and also for some of the family involved. Thats not all, but its a start. If I think of more I will add.
5 :
what do they think that caused the lung cancer? what stage (1 to 4) is the cancer? (Note: This show the seriousness of the cancer, with stage 1 being preliminary and 90% survival rate with 5 yrs, and with stage 4 terminal with about 10% survival rate.) what is the treatment and when - sugery? plus radiation? plus chemo? time off from work and how long?
6 :
What kind of lung cancer do I have? Has my cancer spread beyond the primary site? What is the stage of my cancer and what does that mean in my case? What treatment choices do I have? What do you recommend and why? What is my expected survival rate, based on my cancer as you see it? (not everyone wants to ask the survival rate question) What risks or side effects are there to the treatments you suggest? What are the chances of recurrence of my cancer with these treatment plans? What should I do to be ready for treatment? In addition to these sample questions, be sure to write down some of your own. For instance, you might want more information about recovery times so you can plan your work schedule. Or, you may want to ask about second opinions or about clinical trials for which you may qualify. You may want to ask for forms or a written dx for insurance or work. Be sure to ask about supplements as well... they sure won't tell you about them if you don't ask! You may also wish to keep a copy of each set of blood tests and scan results. You could ask if there is a nutritionist on duty that you can speak to. Altho I would go outside the cancer treatment center for answers on nutrition.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Why some people get lung cancer even the never smoke

Why some people get lung cancer even the never smoke?
Some peole I know never smoke, but they died from Cancer, why?
Cancer - 11 Answers
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1 :
lots of things can cause cancer. not enough is known about the causes to put a finger on just why it happens.
2 :
Unfortunately cancer is one of the cruel conditions where the actual cause in many cases is still unknown. Smoking is just one of the few known causes of certain types of cancers, but it is an unfortunate reality that many people who have never smoked still get diagnosed with cancer. In most these cases not even the doctors know why. All the best
3 :
The same reason that one in seven million people win the lottery. Dumb (bad, in the case of lung cancer) luck.
4 :
Smoking is just one way to get it there are many factors that go into cancer. You can be genetically predisposed to it, or environmental factors can cause it.
5 :
By breathing smoke for others' cigarette. Second Hand smoke
6 :
I believe that anyone who gets cancer has been exposed to a trigger chemical or substance and the quantity of that trigger chemical and the source vary from person to person.Cigarette smoke contain a lot of cancer causing chemicals but so does BBQ fire smoke, burnt toast gives of carcinogens, exhaust smoke from cars garden fires coal fires dust pollen etc etc peoples susceptibility to cancer may be better understood the more we understand about DNA
7 :
my dad had lung cancer and he never smoked or drank the doctors didnt give him an answer cause u never now, it sucks it hard, but smokeing just makes it worse and is a bigger chance 2 get them also if your around people who smoke
8 :
So many reasons and smoking is just one small part of the big picture. My sister-in-law never smoked a day in her life nor did her family. She developed lung cancer only after neglecting her breast cancer. Even though she had a mastectomy, it was to late, Some of those breast cancer cells found a nice cozy spot in her lungs and 5 yrs after her mastectomy, died of lung cancer. My brother died of brain and spinal cancer. No one knows how he got that. There are a lot of theories, but no one could actually pinpoint why. We all possess the cancer gene. Some are more prone to have that gene activated while others are not and both people could be living the same type life style. One may get cancer and the other won't. I guess it's a catch 22
9 :
radon gas is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer. It is a colorless odorless gas that is found everywhere and your home should be be tested for it to make sure there are not high levels. It can be vented out if found to be a problem.
10 :
There are 2 types of lung cancer - Google it - did you know that there is more cancer causing chemicals from car exhaust fumes, which do enter the car while driving than the amount of chemicals from cigarettes? There is also Radon gasses which rise from the ground into your home - most new built houses are actually built with tin foil under the floor to prevent Radon rising to the house.
11 :
There is likely a genetic reason why this happens. It could relate to metabolism of other toxins in the body and transport to the lungs. Recently we had a scare about dioxins in Irish pork but the scare was withdrawn when it was realised that half the population simply couldn't metabolise the dioxin into the toxic peroxyacid forms that cause cancer....we lacked the enzyme. This is probably the reason why some people get lung cancer...they have duplications, triplications etc of metabolising genes that activate environmemtal toxins to a greater extent than normal

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Monday, November 24, 2008

My father as lung cancer and the size is 6.5cm. How does this size relate to stage of cancer

My father as lung cancer and the size is 6.5cm. How does this size relate to stage of cancer?
Is the 6.5 cm considered large/small/average? He had not been to the dr. for over 5 years when we finally got him in to see one. He had been tired all the time, said he always had a cold, and was spitting up blood. He is 85, and we would only be looking at palliative care, but can not get a full answer as to how bad a tumor or 6.5cm is or survival rate. He is currently in a assisted living facility with dementia.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Anything over 5 cm is considered very serious. I'm sorry that your grandfather is ill with this. Palliative care is what is best for him. I recommend writing out a list of questions and asking his doctor for a meeting. Asking questions leaves no confusion and communication with his care takers is important.
2 :
the size is how far it speaded did you know they have lung transplants now
3 :
Staging has to do with the spread of the cancer, not the size of the primary tumor. 6.5cm is a large tumor. Palliative care is the best way to go. Ask his doctor if there's any role of radiation therapy just to keep him comfortable.
4 :
Sorry about your dad. His case is quite urgent. I suggest you grab this e-book. It provides more than 300 secret remedies for cancer, some that are growing even in your garden if you have one. there are over 2,000 documented testimonials in it. To access this secrets now go to . I advise you don't delay
5 :
My oldest daughter's father had colon cancer and he knew he was sick for about 5 years he passed Augest 28,2000 He was 36, It's a hard thing to deal with. But if he would have went to the Dr. when he new something was wrong. Anyway technology has came along way in 8 years. But from what I remember when its in the lungs thats very serious,If or when the chemotherapy starts he will get sicker before he gets better it all depends on how his body takes to it. and if it makes the tumor shrink. Anyway you look at it cancer is a very sad and scary thing for everyone. Let God Be With You. God Bless
6 :
It depends on a number of things: how aggressive the tumor cells are, how his body is responding to treatment etc. There's some information at which explains this. There's also information for patients and family.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are there any possible cures for lung cancer

Are there any possible cures for lung cancer?
My Mom has lung cancer, and I don't want her to die. What kind of treatment is most effective to keep her alive the longest or cure her all together
Cancer - 10 Answers
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1 :
You poor thing! I think it depends on what stage of cancer she has. They can do a lot of treatments now a days, and hopefully they have caught it early on. Good luck to you and your Mom! :)
2 :
Depending on the location of the cancer, she might be able to have a lobe removed, thus removing all the cancer. If it is throughout her lungs, it's possible that chemotherapy will help her to survive longer. You should discuss her options with her pulmonologist. Good luck. If you believe in God, then I hope he will help your mother.
3 :
Avastin. made by genentech. however, it is crazy expensive, but very effective. i believe it is taken in conjunction with other drugs too. Good lucK!!
4 :
My father in law died of lung cancer so I feel your pain. You might want to check out the link below
5 :
aww thats so sad, i dont know if you can cure lung cancer but i hope u di cure it
6 :
Well honey it depends on what kind she has. My uncle had lung cancer and is still alive. He had to have the lung taken out and lives 25 years later with one lung.
7 :
There is no cure for any kind of cancer at this time.
8 :
Honestly, its better you consult a specialist. I really want to help but I don't think I can give better answers than specialist do. Sorry. good luck Love is omnipresence, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
9 :
Surgery is the first option.
10 :
First off, don't listen to the people who have a bunch of high priced treatments, but no conclusive answers to your questions. The USA leads the world in rates of degenerative disease because the diseases are too profitable to be trying to cure. Try going to see a tradtinal chinese medicine doctor, or an ayurvedic medicine doctor. They will be able to offer you something that might actually cure her, instead of a bunch of expensive treatments that kill far more than they save, and rhetorical bullshit. Refuse to accept anything that is not exactly what you are looking for, which is complete remission. Those that tell you that that's just the way it is and there's nothing they can do, don't deserve your attention. Kick them to the curb. Go to the library, get some books and read them. But avoid the mainstream medical industry, AMA information. They don't want cures, they want patients. My father died of cancer, and I really know what you're going through. Good luck to you.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

How can you tell that you have Lung Cancer? What are the odds of having it at age 16

How can you tell that you have Lung Cancer? What are the odds of having it at age 16?
I have this pain on my right side, I don't know if it might me one of my ulcers, i mean, its like right below my chest muscle...( I Suffer from Crohns Disease) I don't smoke
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
at that age the chances are very slim, with lung cancer u have a shortness of breath, coughing, and sometimes a build up of fluid, look it up on the internet they will explain it better
2 :
Coughing up blood, wheezing, shortness of breath. If the cancer has invaded nerves, for example, it may cause shoulder pain that travels down the outside of the arm (called Pancoast's syndrome) or paralysis of the vocal cords leading to hoarseness. Invasion of the esophagus may lead to difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). If a large airway is obstructed, collapse of a portion of the lung may occur and cause infections (abscesses, pneumonia) in the obstructed area. But many people have no signs or symptoms of lung cancer and it goes undetected. But I doubt at 16 you have it.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How many hours of inhaling second hand smoke leads to lung cancer

How many hours of inhaling second hand smoke leads to lung cancer?
I was at a casino for 2 hrs watching a basketball game & there was a lot of 2nd hand smoke i inhaled.. will this deteriorate my health? i am 33 yrs old & have never smoked.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
i don't think that short term exposure will cause lung cancer...research has shown chances increase with constant exposure (bartenders, etc) I live in Virginia and they finally banned it in restaurants and bars here, THANK GOODNESS!
2 :
Second hand smoke is not good for anyone and the effects would have more to do with how susceptible the individual is to the cancer gene. Some people can smoke for years and it will have no effect and some may not smoke at all and Develop lung cancer. Regardless second hand smoke is bad and cancer is only one of the negative things that can affect your health through exposure to pollutants.
3 :
The media and campaigns would like you to believe just smelling cigarette smoke will drop you to your knees with cancer. But we all know this isn't true, the documented oldest living person in the world who died at 122 years old smoked cigarettes during her life. The actually science cases that were done on the effects of second hand smoke tells us this. “The studies showed that for any given nonsmoker, the lifetime risk of getting lung cancer remains small: 4 to 5 in 1000 ordinarily, and 6 to 7 in 1000 if he or she has been living with a smoking spouse.� The research was done by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and included many studies about the effects of second hand smoke. I hope that helps, seems it'll take a lot more than a few hours.
4 :
you are not going to get cancer from being around smoke for 2 hours... but you can still get a bad cough, have trouble breathing, and any allergies you may have can be made much worse. However, keep staying away from second or third hand smoke b/c both are very dangerous and you can get cancer from second or third hand smoke if you are breathing it in most of your life. and fyi- infants who are exposed to second or third hand smoke are four times more likely to die of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) than infants who are not exposed.
5 :
.I wouldn't worry about 2 hrs of it. Some people actually smoke from childhood to senior years, and never develop lung cancer. Some people never smoke, and yet develop lung cancer. There are no guarantees, but I sure wouldn't sweat a few hours of 2nd hand smoking.
6 :
With the exception of those who have asthma and other lung diseases, there has never been any scientific proof that secondhand smoke is anything more than an irritant. For one thing, you'd never be able to exclude all the other bad things people breathe, and for another, there's anecdotal evidence to the contrary. And Sara, those "studies" you speak of are nothing more than statistics. There's never been any indication that this is related to the causation of SIDS.
7 :
No you can't It takes many, many, and more years of second hand smoke and even then, I still doubt it. It's the actual smoking that will cause more harm than second hand smoke I don't care what anyone says. Especially causing a child to die of SIDS? Where are those statistics, I'd like to read them for myself.. I wouldn't worry if I were you. My mother never ever smoke. She was exposed to second hand smoke all her life. She died at 96 of natural causes. She never had any type of cancer at all. Hope that makes you feel better. God bless.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

My lung cancer has spread to the brain,How much more has it spread to

My lung cancer has spread to the brain,How much more has it spread to.?
I had surgary on lung in 2007 (non-Small cell) I had 4 sessions of chemo I had brain surgary 2008 And 1 shot of radiation
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
Very sorry to hear this. It's impossible to tell - each and every cancer is different. While spreading to the brain doesn't guarantee metastasis to other organs, it is certainly possible. Hopefully between the chemo and radiation, it will be contained. Definitely follow up with your doctor!
2 :
wow I'm really sorry when my grandmother was told she had brain cancer we buried her about 1 maybe 2 months later good luck i hope your treatment is a success god bless I'll keep you in my prayers may the lord strengthen you
3 :
i cant answer cause i'm not a dr but never give up hope modern medicine and unexplained miracles could very well save u. My father had leukemia his organs shut down he recovered and had a bunch more years made it up into his 80's bless u :))
4 :
All cancers spread and kill eventually.Trust in the Lord and be brave. You are in our prayers.
5 :
A lot of brain cancers are metastasis from either the lung or the liver. Common secondary cancers. Generally when they find a brain cancer, they will look for a primary in one of these two locations. What was type of brain tumor? Hang in there and beat this thing.
6 :
I'm praying for you and your family. Let your wife know there are people that understand how hard it is for her to and it's OK to take a little time for herself once in a while to regroup. If you continue on answer's you can be a great encouragement for some people.
7 :
I am so sorry. My husband had lung cancer with a tumor on the spine and on the brain. They did radiation on the spine and a gamma knife procedure on the brain You should ask about that procedure. He also took a drug called tarceva ( it is very expensive but it has had good results. Good luck to you.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

popcorn butter stuff bad for lung cancer

popcorn butter stuff bad for lung cancer?
What brand of popcorn was it that was on the news b/c the butter stuff in it was causing lung cancer?
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
idk? good question
2 :
everything causes lung cancer right now
3 :
I read about that, its every kind of the artificial butter. However that was only a theory of how he got lung cancer, and remember that the person microwaved popcorn EVERY day. Im sure having it once in a while is no be deal.
4 :
i heard it was all the really buttery kinds(pertty much all kinds)
5 :
I believe it was any type of microwave popcorn - but the guy who got sick was addicted to the stuff, and liked to breathe in deeply when he opened the bag right out of the microwave - so he deeply inhaled the steam. And he did this about 3 times a day for years. In other words, having the odd bag of microwave popcorn isn't going to do anything to you.
6 :
I know im not answering your question but popcorns pretty bad for you; dont eat it... Buttersalt used in popcorn has also been apparently linked with prostate cancer!
7 :
I believe it was microwavable popcorn. And the news said it was called popcorn lung. Its the fumes that you breath right when you open the bag fresh out of the microwave. I don't remember them saying that it actually causes cancer. That's all i remember from it. Check your local news channels web site or which ever news you seen it on. You may be able to find it that way.
8 :
I heard that it is any microwave popcorn containing diacetyl, the primary ingredient in artificial butter flavor. So, it isn't all microwave popcorn. Here's a link to the article if you want to read about it. Seems like they are scaring us with everything these days!

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Should Native Americans pay compensation for lung cancer since they introduced tobacco to European settlers

Should Native Americans pay compensation for lung cancer since they introduced tobacco to European settlers?
What about damages caused by fires ignited by smokers? Or is it all poetic justice?
Law & Ethics - 8 Answers
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1 :
They did not introduce it, the explorers took it back to Europe and introduced it. The Indians didn't.
2 :
Its poetic justice for most people as enough time has passed that we know what happens if we smoke, so its our own fault. Compensation would only have applied to people right at the beginning who didn't know the effects. But even then, i don't think the distributors would have known the end result either, so I think earth is to blame for producing it :D xx
3 :
Now that would be a very irrational law. I really don't think they should.
4 :
No, they shouldn't if you use it then its your own stupid fault.
5 :
I am too torn up about the treatment that my Saxon forefathers met at the hands of the Angles to properly answer the question. I need compensation; wheres my check. I am also a little pissed about the way my Irish forefathers were treated. I will check the mailbox for reparations
6 :
I can see it now...the EU files a class action suit against Native American tribes that run casinos to pay for the health costs of smoking. Then the Native Americans would sue the EU for 6 quadrillion dollars for the value of North America. That would be a hoot. It wouldn't get anywhere, but it is hilarious to think about.
7 :
Yes they should pay they could use the money they would be paid for all the land in the US.
8 :
oh yea the indians really bossed the white man around and forced them to smoke. when did they do that? somwhere in between fighting for their lives and being murdered to the brink of extermination? we talk about hitler but our leaders were almost as bad as it pertained to the indians. so yea they were here first and we just shoved them into the crappiest part of the country after we were done killing them so we need to take responsibility for our own actions
9 :
no im pretty sure we payed our price when we got massacred in the early days and yea real Original blame the native americans and smokers it falls back on those people who chose to smoke not on the people who tryed to make money off crops and its the tobacco industry that puts the poison in the tobacco to make it addictive and ps its the 21st century they have Electric cigs that dnt create lung cancer or any damage wut so ever but we have to make the decion to get it so its on us and the fire damage ya maybe they should
10 :
Disclaimer: This is all opinion only. No they shouldn't, and no it isn't 'justice'. This goes back to the age old question of "Who do I blame for my problems?" The correct answer in 99% of cases is - myself. People make concious decisions that affect their lives every day, and when we make a poor decision that causes us problems, people in general want something to blame. If we get laid off, we blame the economy, if we get in a car accident we blame the other driver or road conditions, if we can't get a job we blame the employers. The truth is, we could have worked harder, driven safer and gone to college but we didn't. Our lives are a direct result of the actions we take as individuals. Outside influences have a limited impact because we almost always have a choice of how to respond to these influences. So when you ask if the Native Americans should pay us compensation for introducing us to tobacco I can't help but laugh a little and cry a little. Do the europeans pay compensation for inventing the gun? Americans for the Atom Bomb? How about we sue the Africans for AIDS? We could hit Ford pretty hard - those cars are mighty dangerous. Bottom line (and please, I'm begging EVERYONE): Stop thinking that it is someone else's fault that life is hard, and please stop thinking that you deserve some sort of compensation for your problems.
11 :
sure.....smokers get a million bucks .....injuns git a billion for their land...
12 :
sure. right after you compensate us for introducing us to small pox and all the other diseases you carried. stupid question.
13 :
Now you're being really stupid.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where can I find a person to interview in regards to Terminal Lung Cancer

Where can I find a person to interview in regards to Terminal Lung Cancer?
Doctors, Nurses, and victims, or any one who has dealt with it.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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you can contact me if you like. I have stage iv terminal non small cell lung cancer. I'll help with your questions in any way I can.
2 :
Might find in Chinese Chi Kung medical science

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Friday, October 24, 2008

How do I host a benefit for a good friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer

How do I host a benefit for a good friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer?
I'm not really sure what I am doing. Once we hold the benefit, do we just hand the money over to my friend and his family? Will it be taxed? I don't understand how this works. I need to know soon, we're not sure how much time he has. Please help!
Cancer - 3 Answers
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Why don't you go to one of these sites that does fundraising and ask someone there? Frankly, we hold golf tournaments and do fundraising all the time and we do it by word of mouth and no one is issued a receipt or anything. It's done from goodwill. If you're going to go the registered charity route your friend will likely be long gone by then. How about just holding a huge BBQ and accepting donations from people for the family (charge a certain fee per person or family - $25 or $100 etc.) Won't your church or school, etc. do something like that? Bet you could get most of the food donated too or just have it be a huge pot luck. And how about making it a huge celebration of his life too and having him there, so he knows how much he's loved. If you are from a small town I can't imagine not having the event be a whole town affair.
2 :
just have a cancer walk and donate the money they will realy apreceate it
3 :
visit for more info

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Monday, October 20, 2008

How do you talk to someone that just found out they gave lung cancer

How do you talk to someone that just found out they gave lung cancer?
She will definitely die because she is elderly. Do you act like nothin is wrong or do you let her talk or do I try to be cheerful or what?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
You may find this unbelievable, but it happened to me on Friday. I was taking care of this lil old lady in the hospital and her husband told me he was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier that morning. He had just come from his doctors office. I listened. Thats all I did. I think you should just give her room to talk it out and tell you what she thinks. If you really care a lot about her, offer yourself for her needs and just be yourself. Dont fake it. Tell her you care and if you can do anything to help her to call you anytime. Maybe offer to take her to her doctors appointment or to shop for groceries for her when she is having treatment. Its still probably soaking in to her. She may just want to know someone will help her during this time in her life. If she doesnt have family this could be her biggest fear...being alone. Your right her prognoisis is terrible. Most lung cancer pts are likely to die before their 1st year of treatment. Almost all of them die before 5 yrs pass. The survival rate is terrible.
2 :
Do you mean someone who just found out they HAVE lung cancer? Well, if it is that, show them love, show them that someone cares about them. Don't let them feel lonely, so that they would feel...
3 :
I was diagnosed with lung cancer in September. What helped me the most is my friend being there for moral support. She let me talk, offered suggestions, told me she would be available for shopping and transportation needs. It was a blessing to know she was there for me.
4 :
First, and I say this in all seriousness, you can NEVER say 100% that someone will die. Just can't. There are people that survive this..elderly people, children, anyone..out of each group some of them live. If the lady is otherwise healthy, maybe there is a way to treat her. So putting a label on someone's forehead that they will die is like playing God..have some faith! Patients want to hear that they will live, that they have a chance, no matter how small..maybe this elderly lady has a fighting spirit, who are you to try to bring her down? You should cheer her up, tell her to be strong, encourage her, pray with her, tell her that you believe in her chance to get better! Just hearing that can give someone HOPE and comfort. You as a patient do not want or need to FEEL that others around you think you won't make it. It discourages them. It "kills" them to know others have lost faith. It's sad! Please accept yourself that she may beat the odds, in order to honestly share this faith with her! There's a good book, Climbing for Cancer or something like that, about a guy who beat cancer 3 times..each time being told by docs that he has couple months til he's dead and cold. He beat different types of cancer! He's alive, despite the odds.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke? do they get lung cancer at all

can dogs get lung cancer from second hand smoke? do they get lung cancer at all?
Sophia - i never said i was a smoker (which i am not). i was just curious. who are you guys, the thought police?
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Dogs can get all kinds of cancer. I don't think second hand smoke is going to cause too much of a problem overall unless you have a breed that has difficulty breathing..short snouted breeds and such. Excuse me all you people piling onto this poster like she is a demon. Number one, she never said she was a smoker Number two, there are worse health hazards to dogs than second hand smoke now and again. Number three: get off your self righteous high horses, not everyone is as pristine and as pure as you. Drives me nuts, people who want to lord it over everyone and be the health police for all.. I don't smoke, but for pete's sake, it's not the end of the world if someone does.
2 :
Second hand smoke is just as harmful to our dogs as it is to humans. Not only do dogs who live with smokers have higher incidences of cancer, but often they will suffer from asthma. It is very sad and easy to avoid. And yes, dogs can get lung cancer.
3 :
The fact that you are asking is very sad. What do you think? Dogs are immune to smoke? Everyone should just stop smoking. You are killing your family, your pets and yourself just to satisfy your addiction. Very sad. I feel awful for any dogs or kids living with smokers. ADD: Ok I am sorry, I just thought you were one of those smokers who is ignorant to any one else around them. And anyone who gave me a thumb down is a smoker who feels guilty they are giving their family cancer.
4 :
I think it's great that you are concerned about dogs health issues. Yes dogs get cancer,all types. They get cancer from many things ,not just second hand smoke.Chemicals and pesticides are usually the cause. My little dog had breast cancer,she also has asthma.No one has ever smoked around her.She did have surgery and is cancer free now.
5 :
Can they, yes. But how many dogs have you ever known with lung cancer?

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

What are the chances of a 21 year old non-smoker getting lung cancer

What are the chances of a 21 year old non-smoker getting lung cancer?
Use to have people smoke around me and didn't mind, but that doesn't happen very much anymore.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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2 :
Party boy - The chances of 21-year old non-smoker like you having a typical non-small or squamous cell carcinoma type lung cancer are close to zero. There are other rare tumors of the lung or middle of the chest (mediastinum) that do occur, but they are not connected with smokers or breathing second-hand smoke.
3 :
Your chances of getting lung cancer are miniscule. Live in the moment and enjoy life.
4 :
It is possible but unlikely - my father smoked for 60 years before he got lung cancer and was cured, 3 years later he died of bowel cancer. I am 52 and smoked for a long time and don't have it yet. My grandfather never smoked and died age 60 of lung cancer, We never know whats round the corner so stop worrying and enjoy life as it wont be long till you are a pensioner.
5 :
Dear Party Boy, there are no guarantees in life. The older you get, the more you realize this. At 21 years old, and a non-smoker at that, why are you wasting time wondering about lung cancer? All we can do in this dangerous place we live, is to do the best we can to avoid known stumbling blocks. Not smoking is a positive thing. Eat well, exercise often, love hard and give much. Hopefully you will be around this earth to feel satisfied that you lived a long enough time. Don't squander time worrying about things you cannot control. Enjoy each day.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How long from the time symptoms occur is it obvious someone has Lung Cancer

How long from the time symptoms occur is it obvious someone has Lung Cancer?
i have felt fatigued for a few months now, and now my chest is starting to hurt, and i have worsening breathlessness. i am very worried, i got an x-ray but my doctor has not gotten back to me yet.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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If your doctor suspects cancer, then specific diagnostic tests and medical imaging will be ordered. Frankly, it sounds more like you have a respiratory or cardiac issue than cancer. In any event, this needs to be handled by your physician.
2 :
"BSherman" is correct. If someone has symptoms of lung cancer, it will show up on x-ray studies. Chest pain is not a common presenting symptom of lung cancer. It would help us a great deal to know what age you are. Only 3% of lung cancers are found in people under age 45. Most lung cancers are found in people over age 65. I suspect you are under age 45. The majority of the time that a lung cancer is growing is asymptomatic, so symptoms are a very late sign. The chances are that you do not have lung cancer, but your x-rays and your doctor will make the call - not those of us here on YA.
3 :
You have very vague symptoms right now & they don't really point to just cancer. Chest pains can be from just lung irritation or inflammation like in pneumonia or even just muscle or rib problems. Cancer of the lung usually causes other symptoms like coughing up blood when the disease progresses. Fatigue is so general & there are so many things that cause it. Breathlessness is a also a very general symptom & can be caused by lung or cardiac problems but also can result when the body has other diseases.I'd be curious to see if your doctor heard anything in your lungs like fluid, dullness or other physical findings esp. those pointing to a definite abnormality. The only way you will know is by the x-ray results. If there is an abnormal finding you will need either a CAT or MRI to know. It could even be justy the flu which also causes those symptoms. Please contact your doctor for that is the only way you will know for sure. Good luck.
4 :
As I have just told someone else - when my dad had lung cancer he had no symptoms except a cough, 5 days after xrays and scans he had part of his lung removed and survived lung cancer, he died 3 years later of stomach cancer 6 weeks after being diagnosed. Do you not have to call your doctor for the results?

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

does anyone know the survivor rate for lung cancer with and without treatment

does anyone know the survivor rate for lung cancer with and without treatment?
was diagnosed with lung cancer 10/10/07. Will begin treatment this week. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
My father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, saw a surgeon, and discussed chemotherapy and radiation. After being told that the treatments could only buy him a few more months of life, not years, he opted not to take ANY treatment whatsoever. He continued smoking and drinking and lived for 18 months.
2 :
It depends if it hits the blood stream or not. If it does, bad news. It's up to you but chances are much higher.
3 :
My best friend was diagnosed with lung cancer (in both lumgs) and was told that he had six months to live. His final decision was to take the best of both worlds: Accept treatment; and combine this with holistic medications (mainly consisting of various types of herbal mushrooms). He survived for four years under this regimen! Not only that; but he survived two strokes during those four years! There are very few people who are wiling to take the risk of disregarding "full" treatment" when diagnosed with lung cancer. Statistics favor the downside: Six months or less; however, based upon what my friend did, I would certainly try "his method" of survival. Keeping a healthy mind - and lots of positive thinking - will help most people endure for more years than predicted. Tom B
4 :
any survival rates given here with the information you have given would be very vague and could be misleading, lung cancer is an aggressive cancer and can spread quickly...... it depends on many factors.... operable/non operable, any secondaries ? state of the persons overall health other than the cancer?....small cell/non small cell..... treatments offered? I would have a chat with your oncologist for a more accurate answer.... best wishes and good luck
5 :
have treatment my mother did when she was diagnosed and she lived for another 4 years but died there in may treatment worked for her cause she was only given 6 months to a year
6 :
It depends on how far along the cancer has progressed. My mom had cancer five years ago, was caught in the very first stage, the tumor was about the size of a quarter, chemo/radiation and was given a clear bill of health, five years later. Two months after this clearance, she had some issues and the cancer was back, this time the tumor was the size of a softball and growing. She was given one month, and didn't make the full month. So....................hope is out there if detected early. If your's is further along, I hope your doctor offered Hospice care for you, it's a wonderful thing and you can spend your days at home with family/friends. It's great not only for the patient, but for the family, as well. Take care.......
7 :
all I believe is there are no two people alike. Some live for a looooooong time. I'm reading a book right now about the first cancer survivor to summit Everest..Sean Swarner. He was diagnosed with lymphoma at 13 and given 3 MONTHS. He underwent chemo and was in remission. After a few years he was diagnosed with an aggresive lung cancer and given 2 WEEKS. He is alive and well and it;s been 10 years from the last cancer diagnosis (after surgery and chemo and all that) and he has summited Everest a couple years back. So you never know.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is the likelihood of a smoker getting lung cancer

What is the likelihood of a smoker getting lung cancer?
Say they smoke approximately 15 cigarettes a day.
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
very likely.. stop now when you have a chance... my grandfather died from lung cancer!!
2 :
While the actual rate of lung cancer among smokers is fairly low, as in much less than 1/2, the rate is much higher than among those who don't smoke. There is no really accurate way to predict your "chances" if you smoke, as doctors still don't understand all of the factors that contribute to lung cancer.
3 :
At that rate its almost 99.9 percent they will contract lung cancer...if they stick to their current trend. It's best stop now.
4 :
Chances are 100% in 40 years. Quit now.
5 :
not incredibly high (17%) but if you have lung cancer, there is a 90% chance you are a smoker it is important to note that lung cancer is not the only illness that increases in probability from smoking, more than likely you will die of a smoke related heart attack before developing lung cancer. In general, smoking causes you to age faster.
6 :
I'm not really sure. My father smoked for 52 years and quit cold turkey. Later he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and when he passed it was caused by cancer in his lungs caused by asbestos--nothing to do with all his years of smoking cigarettes and he was so bad that a carton didn't last him two days.
7 :
Dear Super Star, the chances for a person who smokes develop cancer is higher than for those who don't. You may find more informations on this subject in this site: Hope it helps, My best regards

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

What are the best cigarettes for someone with lung cancer

What are the best cigarettes for someone with lung cancer?
Thanks for the input! I am looking into other brands to try.
Other - Health - 19 Answers
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2 :
You must be out of your freaking mind. How about no cigarettes.
3 :
Um...none. sorry about your lung cancer dude, just quit smoking and live your life.
4 :
Um candy ones. Lung cancer is natures little way of letting you know not to smoke.
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6 :
7 :
YOU have GOT to be JOKING!
8 :
There is one called "Black Death" it has skull and cross bones in a black pack.
9 :
American Spirit All natural except for the Nicotine
10 :
candy cigarettes???
11 :
What ever you like, your going to die anyway.
12 :
none you crack smoker!!!!!!!!!!
13 :
Well, if you already have lung cancer, then I guess it really doesn't matter what kind of cigarettes you smoke.
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by the time you have lung cancer, what difference does it really make? light 'em if you've got 'em, bruh!
16 :
NONE! NADA! ZIP! ZERO!!!!!! You should NOT smoke, esp. if you have lung cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 :
Ask your doctor.
18 :
Eeek. Don't you want to live?
19 :
none thats probably how you got lung cancer stupid
20 :
None, how about trying to quit.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How do you find out if you have lung cancer

How do you find out if you have lung cancer?
I'm really concerned about my dad's smoking habits, so I forced him to go get a check-up, but outside the normal blood and cholesterol tests, there was no other body checkups. I hope nothing is wrong with him, but I'm still worried, so is a normal check-up all you need to make sure, or are there other tests? He has gone to the doctor, but only to get a check-up. Is there a specific test he is suppose to ask for?
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
go to the doctor
2 :
You go to the doctor!
3 :
Well, usually you can't tell that someone has cancer unless there's obvious symptoms such as excessive pain and whatnot. In order to fully check, he'd need a CAT scan.
4 :
There are no specific screening tests for lung cancer. Tumors can be detected on x-ray or CT scan but these tests are not done unless theres an indication (certain symptoms). If he is having difficulty breathing or is coughing excessively and bringing up blood then a doctor may perform these tests otherwise theres not much else to do. He should try to quit smoking, there are many tools that can help (nicotine patch, gum, meds...)
5 :
ct scan or mri of lungs
6 :
If he's not having specific symptoms (e.g. weight loss, night sweats, coughing up blood, etc.), then his doctor won't do much besides what he's done already. Has he had a chest X-ray? If he has a cough or other symptoms, a lot of times doctors will order a chest X-ray, which can sometimes show cancers in the lungs. However, chest x-rays can miss small cancers. The best way to tell is to look at the lungs with a Chest CT. It's a type of X-ray imaging that doctors can use to look at the lungs, and it is more sensitive than chest x-rays when used by radiologists to detect lung cancers. However, if he's not having symptoms, he won't get a chest CT. He may not even get a chest x-ray. Chest X-rays have not been shown to be an effective method of screening for lung cancer, so insurance companies don't pay for them for screening purposes. He would have to have symptoms before they'd pay for it. If he has no symptoms, you likely wouldn't know he has lung cancer until he does have symptoms and gets more imaging studies done. This is the problem with smoking. You usually don't get symptoms until your cancer is relatively large. Keep working on convincing him to stop smoking. It's also bad for you if you're around him when he's smoking. Remind him of that.
7 :
Unfortunately, it's not that easy. There only way to diagnose lung cancer at an early stage is a cat scan. But there's a lot of controversy over having cat scans for screening (for lung cancer) in smokers. So far, there's no evidence of a benefit on overall survival. So, I wouldn't recommend doing a cat scan. Ok, that means that you can't rule out lung cancer in your father. You have to live with that risk. However, he should stop smoking as this reduced his risk for lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung disease,... So you should continue motivating him. I wish you good look.
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9 :
Tell your Dad to have chest x-ray, I had surgery to remove a non small cell lung cancer tumor on Oct 12th, luckily it appears that all of the tumor and malignant lymph nodes are gone. X-rays and CT scans have limitations. Even the CT scab can on see masses greater than 1/8 of an inch. Tell your dad if he is as lucky as I was he will still have a 13 or 14 inch incision and about 25 percent of his lung will be removed. You may also want to show him the survival rates for lung cancer that has progressed beyond a surgical cure. The 5 year rate of survival is very grim even with a good response to chemotherapy. If I can be of more help don't hesitate to ask. Try to get him to quit without being too aggressive. Quitting is hard. Cigarette makers know how hard it is for some people to quit which is why they agreed to pay millions of dollars in fines to the states for health care. the states are wasting the money and nothing is being provided for smokers health care.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Doc Says Was 5 Now 2 After Lung Cancer Scan

Doc Says Was 5 Now 2 After Lung Cancer Scan?
My grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer in January. He's been doing radiation and chemotherapy, and was just scanned for his progress. The doc said he's went from a 5 to a 2. What does that mean?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 : That webpage gives information on staging. Basically, it means that it shrunk in size and there is no evidence of distant or local metastasis anymore. It's a good thing. A stage two tumor is clinically localized to the lung with no lymph node involvement.

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