Friday, March 28, 2008

Can white blood cells be given to person with lung cancer during chemo

Can white blood cells be given to person with lung cancer during chemo?
My dad died becuase his white blood cells droped to 0- during first round of chemotherapy sslc cancer. and his body wasnt producing any white blood cells and he got an infection and died very soon. doctors just gave him antiboitics but it didn't help what else could there be done to save him like give him some white blood cells ? b4 he died like few days l8r was throwing up green fluid is that a sign of infection?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
They should have given him more protein because protein makes WBC's which make anti-bodies which help fight pathogens. They could give have given him WBC's in the form of a blood transfusion. He needed protein, a blood transfusion for the WBC's, and antibiotics (which he got). His doctor should have done more.
2 :
you cannot give someone else's white blood cells....they would attack a different body. Platelets can be given, and red blood cells of the same type can be given... but white cells cannot be transferred, they see a foreign body as something to be attacked and will do so. White cells would have attacked your dad's system and killed him even quicker. That is one of the dangers inherent in chemo therapy... it kills your own immune system as well as the cancer... medicine is by no means anywhere near perfect. Sorry for your loss.
3 :
You can't give transfusions of white blood cells. This is because they seek out and destroy anything foreign to them. Another person's white blood cells would find the person they are being transfused into as foreign and there would be a huge and deadly reaction. However, there are some medicines and doctors use in these situations to help boost the white count back up. I am really sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, a decreased white count is an expected and inevitable side effect of chemo. Many people do die from infections rather than the cancer itself. I've seen this many times and it is very sad and frustrating. Here's what should be done if a cancer patient gets sick. - Within one hour of the onset of the fever the person should be receiving their first dose of antibiotics. The antibiotics they use should be very broad spectrum - such as cefepime. That's the one we use first where I work. Prior to the start of the antibiotics, the person should have blood cultures drawn and a urinalysis. Other tests needed would depend on the symptoms the person has. Then the person needs to be watched very very closely. Infections in people with that low of a white count is inevitable, but with prompt and appropriate treatment, it can be beat. However, sometimes we have done everything exactly right and we lose the person anyway. Just remember that we really have no control in these matters. Our stories were already written long before our first breath was drawn. When it is time to go, it is time to go - no matter how hard we try to prevent it.
4 :
Sometimes doctors prescribe Neupogen or Neulasta, which stimulate the body's bone marrow to produce white blood cells. However, it is not instantaneous ... it takes the body a few days to respond to the injection. Sometimes infections hit very quickly, some pathogens reproduce very fast. So there is no guarantee that even if he had had the medication to stimulate WBC production, that it would have helped in time. I'm sorry about your dad.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

What should a person with lung cancer do if not chemo or surgery

What should a person with lung cancer do if not chemo or surgery?
Don't have details yet as to staging, etc....but don't think could withstand chemo. Any alternatives successsful?
Cancer - 11 Answers
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1 :
I am sorry you are dealing with this situation, whether it is you or someone you love. My father is a lung cancer survivor. My Dad was diagnosed with stage 1b lung cancer at age 80. His tumor was large, thus the b. My father opted for upper lobe lung removal and then chemo. I know this is contrary to your question. My Dad was in good health for a man of eighty years old, but the question came up whether or not he could survive the treatments. The other option was to live as long as he could without treatment. For my father, that was not an option. My Dad is now almost four years post lung cancer. The treatment was rough and I won't kid you about that. Chemo was tough on his body and he has slowed down. However, he is alive and doing well. I pray you or your family member can tell your success story also in a few years.
2 :
there is only one alternative left, radiation, which is not any easier than chemo. I have heard about laser surgery, which might be possible depending on your stage.
3 :
I don't know but if you're not going for chemo or surgery.. well they are few things, but I am getting a bit tired to talk about this because every time I wrote this and no body really "act" on it. so I feels a bit waste of my time. 1) try alternative, chinese medicine and healthy, organic eating. preferr vegetarian...but be sure to choose adequate protein from the soy or health food store. along with 1) 2) go and release lives. I do that on the regular basis not for live longer but it is my passion because it help become more compassion, help me practice compassion. two, it give the lives (bait fish, bait shrimps, bait crabs, or etc) that one more chance to live, it doesn't guarrante you will live a lot longer than it was, because afterall, we don't do good deed for the cause, but it will help a lot because in Buddhism, Karma. so I hope this helpls, ck out this. I have heard that ppl recovery from cancer from doing this, by of course, you should continue the medical therapy along with this. it is bit contravery at asian, but believe in yourself. if not release live, you can donate money to like vegartarian books or group like vegan outreach, they are very good, or PICA but most ppl find PICA bit aggressive..I appreicated their good works, but wish they can influence others just a little bit more softenly. good luck. if you have more question, you can email. like I said, this is just my opinions, I am not a doctor so I can't be responsible for the medical issue, just a little opinions to share. okay
4 :
NATURAL THERAPY! Holistic Healing is the way you want to handle this. The acetogenins in "PAW PAW" inhibit the production of ATP in the mitochondria of cells. Since cancer cells have a much faster metabolic rate than normal cell, this induces cancer cells to self-destruct. Scientific research demonstrates that "PAW PAW" extract is more effective than many chemotherapy drugs at destroying cancer cells, and yet is completely non-toxic.
5 :
If you are looking for magical answers . . where cancer is concerned . . there are none. Cancer is a rotten disease and there are no 'easy' treatments. There is no cure for cancer, but there is treatment that can lead to an individual remission and potential 'cure'. If chemo or surgery is out of the question for you than you may consider palliative rather than curative treatment, which may make you eligible for clinical trials. You should consider doing a clinical trial to try the newer targeted drugs being offered cancer patients (although you might also get them off trial). Many of the Tyrosine kinase inhibitors or monoclonal antibody drugs are taken orally every day, less toxic, and have very few if any side effects (except your hair turns white). Sunitinib is one of the newer multi-targeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors that is in Phase II Clinical studies for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Efficacy and safety of sunitinib in previously treated, advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Preliminary results of a multicenter phase II trial.
6 :
Without knowing the details of the illness, I can only give you generalized information. I can tell you though that often chemotherapy and/or surgery are the most effective treatment options (sometimes the only options), depending on the type/location of the cancer. For some cancers, radiation therapy may be used, but radiation is usually used along with chemotherapy and/or surgery. In advanced lung cancers, targeted drug therapy may be used, but again this is usually most effective when used with chemotherapy. Targeted drug therapies are newer treatments that work by targeting specific abnormalities in cancer cells. Bevacizumab, which stops tumors from creating a new blood supply, is one drug. But this drug is usually used in combination with chemo for advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer and carries a risk of severe bleeding. Another is Erlotinib, used for advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancers when chemo doesn't work. So, in short, unless you have advanced or recurrent lung cancer, you don't really have good options that don't involve at least some degree chemotherapy or surgery. Chemo seems like torture, but it is the best choice for most patients. Nothing that you'll go through on chemothrapy will be as bad as having to suffer through as the cancer takes over your body.
7 :
my dad had stage 4 lung cancer and went to MDAnderson cancer hospitol in texas.He inrolled in trials and it gave him along time.he had chemo and radiation but they gave him medicine to where he didnt get sick,just more tierd then he was use to being.that was 5 years ago and they have made some far advances, get to a good hospitol and go with your gut and God. i will pray for you, i have breast cancer.
8 :
I am sorry you are going through this - I have been through it with my dad and it is NO FUN at all and quite physically and emotionally draining. I would hope and pray that it is operable and that would be my first advice FOLLOWED by chemo. One can never truly know how they will react to chemo and it is worth trying, even one round of chemo will help. Best of luck and health to you and your family!
9 :
Definately need more info but don't rule out chemo/radiation. My mom was dx w/stage 4 lung cancer and she was completely against treatment until the doctor told her that she still has a chance to live several more years comfortable. She did have treatment and is doing great, the tumors are gone for 1 which is dead and she feels really good. There are lots of stuff you can do with or without treatment, the biggest being your DIET. Look up on Oprah about the girl who wrote a book "Crazy Sexy Cancer" not sure if that is the title but she was considered in curable and has kept her cancer at bay with a strict diet of organic all natural foods. There are tons of homeopathic treatments out there, just try what you think will work for you. I hope everything works out, Good Luck.
10 :
I'm glad you're looking at alternatives, and thousands have had success. See,, and other alternatives people offer on this site from a natural perspective. Optimum health through nutrition is an ND's speciality. Others may also have experience here. Please don't listen to scare tactics that alternatives don't work. My own experience has seen extremely positive results. Click my avatar and see my response to the thread "What is the cure for breast cancer?" as well. The bottom line is that optimum health is not easy, and a lot of the stuff we're either ingesting or using can wreak havoc on our lives. We just have to be careful and look for the CAUSE of these problems and not just look to most in the medical community to address the SYMPTOMS. In the natural health/alternative field, the goal is to address the cause of your illness/disease and actually help you get well, not be dependent on drugs and managed care!!! Good luck! Also, people try to scare you that alternative is unproven. Thousands of people with success is not unproven. Check out the mass of testimonials at The two in my church that essentially went with the diet are well, thriving, and feel great. People who went the drug route don't feel well for a very long time after they've been poisoned. My aunt has lupus and they put her on the chemo plan, she's felt bad to very bad for about 6 or 7 years. She just survives. As the lupus comes back because she refused to go alternative, they must hit it again with another round of chemo, because IT'S NOT A CURE. I don't even know how many rounds of chemo she's been through. Others will try to discredit alternatives. That doesn't mean they don't work, that means they don't trust them because they weren't proven in a lab. Again, they are proven, just not the way "science" would prove them. They won't ever do a double-blind trial on a properly administered diet because they KNOW the result. Better health. Alternatives are still science. They're just not created in a lab. They're grown naturally. You just have to ask yourself whether you want natural and live food or dead chemical poisons to treat your disease. What makes the most sense to you? Look, cancer is a known western disease. Does that mean people on a vegan diet can get cancer? Sure they can. Look at Colin Campbell's work and see the stats. But, like I've already told the poster below in a personal email that she still hasn't answered, there may be other things that caused her breast cancer. I've asked her what kind of hand creams and shampoos has she used? Were they in part responsible for her cancer? Low quality substances may contain synthetic hormones that can have a major impact on her hormone levels. What's her weight? Linus Pauling proved that too much fat can keep oxygen from reaching cells, which causes them to mutate and turn anaerobic. They then go beserk and start multiplying like crazy, ultimately forming a tumor. If your immune system is healthy, you get rid of that junk on your own. What's her immune system like? Is she healthy and thriving or does she get sick a lot? What's her family history look like in terms of others getting cancer? When did she switch to a vegan juicing diet? I've NEVER heard of anyone getting cancer on a juice diet. Does she eat twinkies and garbage a lot? You can be on a vegan diet and still hurt your health. What kind of balance did she have with her diet? If she was mono-directional in how she went that's not a healthy diet. Did she monitor her blood work and hormones? What did her lymphocytes and granulocytes look like? What kind of work does she do, and has she ever had chemical exposure? Does she use pesticides in her home, garden, or has pesticide exposure at work? This is no attack on her, but I'd love to have more information about the REASON she got cancer. I'd love to know if she's like one my wife's client's friends and tried black salve to get those tumors out of her breasts first before chemo. Yes, it works. And to my knowledge my wife's client's friend has not had a mastectomy and does eat a good diet, my wife and I do not know how good it is however. So why did she get cancer, and apparently they come back, but she says she always removes them with black salve. They just come out through the skin. She just lets her body handle them naturally. No need for drugs. The question you have to ask yourself is do you want to handle it naturally or go bankrupt and handle it with drugs? Ask yourself how you want to feel in a year? If you want to thrive, feel better than you have in years, clear up any liver spots or skin conditions like my wife's grandmother, go natural with live food. If you want to have fatigue issues, feel like death, have memory loss and concentration issues, go with drugs. I just hope you don't contribute to a profit machine that doesn't work. My experience has seen 20 out of 20 that went chemo and were dead in short order, vs. 2 in my church that went natural and are thriving for many years by going with essentially the diet. It's your choice. My only request is that you educate yourself and decide for yourself if it's really hocus pocus and unproven. Sure, some of the methods I've never heard of, and maybe they don't work. But find someone who has done kicked cancer naturally and see what they say.
11 :
There is no magical cure, I'm sorry. I understand your reluctance to undergo chemo, I was terrified of it too and my desperation led me to research 'alternatives' thoroughly. My conclusion was - alternative is just another word for unproven. Wherever there is cancer there is someone waiting to make money out of people's misery by offering them unproven, useless and sometimes dangerous 'cures'. Many of those scams - including Essiac, Laetrile, hydrogen peroxide and Rife machines - are recommended uncritically on the 'cancertutor' site recommended by Steve above. Invariably this hocus pocus is accompanied by 'testimonials' from people who have 'cured' their cancer; remember you have no way of knowing if these people ever had cancer, much less that they are cured or still alive (or ever existed). Orthodox treatments have extensive data to back them up. Alternatives have anecdotes. Often of course these alternatives will be urged on you by people who care and want to help you. But ALWAYS they are recommended by people who have never had cancer and usually have a pet theory about what they would do if they did. In the end I opted for conventional treatment because my research showed me that a) alternatives don't work and b) orthodox treatments had been properly tested in clinical trials and shown to be effective, either at prolonging life or effecting a cure in some cases (alternatives have not been so tested; if they had been and had passed they would no longer be 'alternative medicine', they would just be 'medicine'). I was a vegan (still am) who juiced and ate masses of fruit and veg, mostly organic so I felt I had disproved the diets recommended by alternativists when I got stage 3 cancer. Chemotherapy is no picnic, although people's reactions vary and some people find it easier than others (I know people who continued to work throughout); I'm not saying it's the perfect treatment, and I believe that one day people will look back on it with horror. But for now it's what we've got and we know it saves some lives and extends many many others. Four years after being diagnosed with stage3 grade 3 breast cancer I am fit and well following surgery, chemo and radiotherapy.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

How does lung cancer affect the Economy

How does lung cancer affect the Economy?
I'm doing this essay and looked all over the web and there is NO information of it anywhere! Can you help?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
lung cancer is caused mostly by cigarettes through first hand or second hand inhalation. Lung Cancer is a negative externality of cigarettes. Research externalities and relate it to the cigarette case.
2 :
The effects on the economy are mostly considered "indirect" costs. Lung cancer is hard to cure, or even put into remission, and the medical costs of treating it can be huge. The effects are in increased medical insurance costs, higher costs to to the government for those that rely on public assistance or that are covered by government medical payments. There is also lose of productivity for those with lung cancer. They often must work at least fewer hours, and sometimes must go on disability, and can not work at all. Those that can't work, or must work less result in a decrease in tax revenue to all levels of government. There are other effects as well, but these are the highlights of the effect on the economy. Once you look at these, you can work out the effects on other parts of the economy. Good luck on your essay
3 :
Each cancer patient is worth about $300,000 dollars to the medical industry. That money goes through several hands, but most of it ends up in the hands of the drug industry. The drug companies throw huge bags of money to politicians to promote their agenda and this in turn stimulates the politicians to go to the general public and get them to buy health insurance. The money brought in by health insurance ends back at the politicians lap from the drug companies again. It's a vicious cycle. If Lung Cancer were not here, a huge chunk of the cancer money would not be available. The CEO of a drug company has to look at his market as sick people. If people were well, there would be no revenue coming in. If cancer were addressed as a preventative thing, drug companies would not make any money on it. How long do you think a CEO of a drug company would last if he told the board of directors that he wanted the company to produce preventative treatments to reduce the amount of drugs they would sell? About as long as it took for him to say that. So by extracting money from the public, funneling it back through to the drug companies, politicians make lots of money and doctors get huge perks for promoting and selling the drugs. It stimulates the economy and removes cash from private citizens. good luck
4 :
The government makes a lot of money off taxing cigarettes, but in the end it's not worth it because it causes many diseases (lung cancer is just one) that become a big drain on governmental health resources. If I were you, I'd look up cigarette tax, medical/hospital costs of lung cancer, economic benefits of smoking cessation programs, stuff like that.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Advice on Lung Cancer patient, Can you help with what will work to reduce or help somehow with phlegm

Advice on Lung Cancer patient, Can you help with what will work to reduce or help somehow with phlegm ?
She is very weak, and having a hard time getting the phlegm up, her lungs are not strong enough to cough up the phlegm so is there a food that may dry up or maybe something that may ease this for her? so i can tell the nurse, (any advice please) so i can ask the nurse about it. Thank you.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
flutter valve or acapella also the RT can do CPT (chest physical therapy) or suction the Dr. can order muccomyst too. via nebulizer with a bronchodilater.
2 :
I am using a nebulizer and it helps a lot. They are very easy to use and the treatments only take a few minutes.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

If my grandpa passed away from lung cancer from smoking, what are my chances

If my grandpa passed away from lung cancer from smoking, what are my chances?
Are my chances of getting lung cancer from smoking higher because my grandpa had lung cancer? i believe he got it from smoking and i am 16 and i smoke, want to quit but it's sort of become a habit the reason i guess i can't quit is because i feel like it doesn't harm me yet i know it does.
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yeah, well thats the nocotine in the cigarettes, which make you crake more and more- and before long you find yourself addicted. But, yes, though the chances that you will contract lung cancer is significantly higher, since you smoke. So, STOP SMOKING. Seriously, try some way to quell the addiction, and relinquish the fags. Do it for your Grandpa, and make him happy, for him sto see you live a long healthy life. Good luck cya :)
2 :
With every cigarette you smoke you insert tar dust into your lungs AND cause the breakdown of an enzyme in the lungs called alpha-1-antitrypsin, which IS the reason why people who smoke end up with emphysema. Since you're only 16 you still have plenty of time to make the right decision to quit before you start to feel the painful results of your addiction.
3 :
You should quit but I know it is addicting. I believe you have a higher chance of getting Cancer because it runs in your family. Doctors always ask if anyone in your family has or had certain illnesses because then they can look for it to happen to you too. Good luck quitting; I wish my husband would as I am sure it will be affecting my health too. My dad had an illness from smoking and quit and I was grateful and surprised that he did it cold turkey.
4 :
No, your chances of having lung cancer aren't greater if your grandfather had it due to smoking. And lung cancer, like other cancers, is rarely hereditary; if several members of your family had had lung cancer, that might indicate a faulty gene in the family. An isolated case doesn't. And you won't have inherited a 'tendency' to get lung cancer from smoking either. Your chances are the same as anyone else who smokes; quit now - I know it's hard - and your chances of avoiding lung cancer in later life are good.
5 :
I started smoking when I was 13 I'm 53 and smoked for 40 yrs and found out that I have lung cancer. I never felt like it was hurting me until I could not catch my breath for about a week or two that's how I found out, two days before our 28Th anniversary. The tests and the treatments really suck I would not wish them on my worst enemy. Do your self a favor and put the smokes down and don't look back, save your self and your family a lot of pain and worry. Sorry this is so long.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

what is the death rate and success rate of lung cancer

what is the death rate and success rate of lung cancer?
i am doing a project and i have to find the death rate and success rate of lung cancer all the sites i visit give me no information so if you know the death and success rate of lung cancer plz tell me immideatly because i ned to know!
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
here is some U.S. data up till 2002

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

can central necrosis occur in tuberculosis or only in lung cancer

can central necrosis occur in tuberculosis or only in lung cancer?
my uncle has central necrosis middle of lung. he is referring doctors. but i wanna know, is it harmful? cancer? or only random disease he has dry cough, lack of appetite. he is 52 years old. pls pls answer
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
It may occur in many types of cancer including lung cancer. Lymph node tuberculosis also cause.Both are fatal. My prayers for his early healing.
2 :
Central necrosis is the death of tissue or cells it is a symptom not a diagnosis and not really seen in cancer.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

what percentage of smokers actually get lung cancer

what percentage of smokers actually get lung cancer?
well my dad a 1 pack a day hes 39 turrning 40 and hes been smoking since like 15 16 yrs old and well im really scared oh and what are the chances of my family and i getting lung cancer too. he smokes like right outside of our front door thanxx :)
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
67 % get lung cancer 73 % get Emphysema and 100 % DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 :
I'm not sure what the exact statistics are but I did hear the other day that 90% of lung cancer patients where former smokers. And lung cancer from smoking is still on of the top killers of men. Second hand smoke is dangerous but I don't think that it's enough to give you and your family cancer. My father smoked until I was 13 or 14 and then starting dipping. So I know how it feels.
3 :
not as high as people think. it all depends how long a person has been smoking and how much they do, also what brand they smoke. there isnt really a perfect way a survey could be conducted for analyzing the percentage of that kind of stuff. its good he smokes outside. my mother refuses to do that. so youre lucky. i know / know of people that smoke up to 3 packs a day every day for a long time. i wouldnt be TOO worried but let him know how you feel, sit him down in a private spot and voice your concerns.
4 :
You probably won't get lung cancer if you don't breath in seconhand smoke a lot. But it's kind of based on bad luck if you get lung cancer because all that has to happen is one little carcinogen mutating a cell. Even 1 cigarette can cause lung cancer im pretty sure. If he smokes 1 pack a day, there is a very high chance. Smoking kills half of all users. Check the source for more info.
5 :
I just heard on a commercial that smoking kills 1/3 of it's users. That means that 1/3 of people who smoke die from things like cancer and heart disease. That does not include all of those who suffer from complications from smoking, including cancer which is treated or heart disease which hurts them forever.
6 :
I am not sure..I do know you can get cancer, from second hand smoke. Your chances of getting cancer is greater than the smoker. Imagine that! My friend is a heavy smoker like your dad. But her husband ended up with throat cancer.From 2nd hand smoke.
7 :
I am not sure of the percentage, but data shows lung cancer caused by smoking now causes more fermale deaths in Australia than breast cancer. Given that smoking also increases the risk of breast cacner among other diseases, this makes smoking one of the biggest single killers in our society.
8 :
The risk varies from 1% to 15% depending on packs per day and length of time smoking. Odds are higher that smoking related lung disease such as emphysema (15-30% of long term smokers) or coronary heart disease (up to 50% of smokers) will cause death in a smoker than cancer. Obviously, your dad needs to quit smoking NOW to lessen his chances of heart disease, lung disease, oral cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer and other diseases clearly linked to smoking.
9 :
I have heard that people who smoke heavily ( meaing half a pack or more per day) for more then 30 years, run about a 1 in 7 risk of lung cancer when they are older. And dont forget there are other deadly disease that smokers get as well.. not just lung cancer. Your dad is still young, lung cancer is rare at his age. But he should quit now or it might be a different story in 10-15 years.

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