Monday, April 1, 2013

Can smoking hookah cause lung cancer

Can smoking hookah cause lung cancer?
My brother smokes his hookah in his bedroom. Can the smoke and all of the stuff from it cause second hand smoke.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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You mean cancer from second hand smoke. It's amazing how all the CDC tests that "prove" second hand smoke required the person to be so saturated with second hand smoke that in normal life, the only way to do it would be got to a bar filled with 200 people, where everyone smoked but you, non stop for a month. Should you worry? No. Harvard studies have shown that there are genetic dispositions to cancer. If it runs in your family, you might get it, but like in my family grandfather smoked for 50 years... no problem, I switch over to hookah 10 years ago, but almost 15 years for me no problem. You have a better chance of getting melanoma from the sun than getting cancer from your brother's hookah.
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shisha (wut is wut ur supposed to put in hookah) is flavoured tobacco with molasses added. nd if u get the arabic kind (instead of the indian kind, which is worse) It usually contains 0.05% nicotine, and 0.00% tar. yes they chemically take it out. (i kno wut ur thinking, y not do this with cigarettes?). so no, it will not cause second hand smoke.

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