i just wanted to know because i saw it at the magazine and i said at first no its fake but then i though they can just say that somebody like Obama has cancer and it is fake ?? Now the other thing is that nothing is on the tv!!!!!! whats happening do you have any idea?
Current Events - 7 Answers
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1 :
they can just say that somebody like Obama has cancer and it is fake ?? YES obama's hair is turning grey and he has lost weight he says it is stress as his job is very stressful but then he may have just reached the age of turning grey anyway. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/091118/usa/us_obama_health_presidency NO cancer mentioned, and yes magazines can tell lies.
2 :
No, its not true. It cant be true. The reptilian aliens from V are immune to human diseases like cancer. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v25/lostboys95/obama.jpg
3 :
Obviously, you don't watch much Fox news...if you did you'd know faux "news agencies" can and do make up all kind of untrue things. If it were true, every news outlet would be carrying the story...Not just the National Enquirer and Fox News
4 :
No, that's just an item from Glenn Beck's Christmas Wish List.
5 :
6 :
He probably got AIDS when he and Larry Sinclair use to play hide the sausage in Larry's limo...Reportedly, Barry is a catcher/bottom and a pitcher/top so he probably got HIV and now AIDS...look at his skinny little body and tooth pick arms and legs....
7 :
Due to national securtity I can't say anymore then everything is going to be alright. His real problem is the revenge of his old gay lover as reported in the same rag.
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